
You guys aren't going to believe this. I've been brain storming for 2 months now on a mafia book that I thought was just going to be 1 story and possibly later become a 3 book mafia series. Instead I've come up with a timeline for 6 books split into 2 series. The 1st 3 book series would take place in New York then would have a spin off 3 book series take place in Vegas. Certain characters would make a cameo appearance every now and then between the 2 series. 
          	An update on how I'm doing with the 8 other books I've been working on is that after covid hit I decided to stop those books and instead re-write them entirely to include the pandemic or scrape them entirely, but keep the original idea for possibly another book in the future. These 6 books are a result of that. I apologize for the long wait for me to post a story on wattpad. For a while I had writers block.


You guys aren't going to believe this. I've been brain storming for 2 months now on a mafia book that I thought was just going to be 1 story and possibly later become a 3 book mafia series. Instead I've come up with a timeline for 6 books split into 2 series. The 1st 3 book series would take place in New York then would have a spin off 3 book series take place in Vegas. Certain characters would make a cameo appearance every now and then between the 2 series. 
          An update on how I'm doing with the 8 other books I've been working on is that after covid hit I decided to stop those books and instead re-write them entirely to include the pandemic or scrape them entirely, but keep the original idea for possibly another book in the future. These 6 books are a result of that. I apologize for the long wait for me to post a story on wattpad. For a while I had writers block.


I have about 8 different stories that I'm writing and everyday it seems like I come up with another one that I write notes about so I don't forget. These stories that I'm writing now I think I might have to merge some of them together so I can actually post a story. OMG it feels like I've been writing forever because I started it in 2017. 


Thank you so much for all the votes, I know it's not finished but it's awesome you're taking the time to read it <3


I’m so honoured, I try to update once a week but I find myself doing more on this one 


@Tinksfantasyland can't wait for more! If you get writers block don't worry I'll archive it.