
Hi, all! 
          	This is my usual ‘I haven’t been very active recently, so I’m popping in to say hi’ post! How is everyone doing? 
          	Mini life update: I’ve been pretty busy recently. I’ve just started my third and final year of university, which has been a lot, but I’m so happy to be back (I’m such a nerd, I love my degree, and I love being in education - summers are rough for me). I am very sad to be graduating this year, because I never want to leave. So, if you’ve started uni/college this year, cherish it, and have a drink for me! 
          	On top of starting my studies again, I’ve also been busy applying for postgrad courses! I have plans for my future! I’m getting my life together! I’m not wallowing! Yay! 
          	That’s pretty much all I have to say at this moment! I haven’t done a lot of writing recently, because I’m pretty preoccupied with everything else going on, but I have done some! You will see it eventually, just please be patient! 
          	I hope everyone’s doing well, and enjoying life as much as possible! I’ll check in again soon because I love you guys!
          	Bye for now x
          	- Pix  


I’m starting university next year and I’m so lost. As much as I’m so happy to graduate I’m also scared because I have no idea what my future looks like and no idea what I want to do. There’s so many different choices for me and I’m also scared of disappointing my parents because my plans are so different then there’s. 


@Pixie022 That's so incredible!!! I started my first year at college today. A levels are...hard lol.
          	  But! I wish you the best of luck!!! <3


@Pixie022 I love you so much too u are so talented I will wait for u I wish u happy happiness and  good luck for everything u are doing keep going cheers I can't wait to read your next books... 


Hello, i love you and hello. I can't really thing right now. I just finished The Oakleaf Academy for Boys, and can you write a story please about lucky. It's just heartbreaking for me that's he's alone. Though i will never be fully satisfied since he doesn't end up with steel. I would love it if you make a book about him. Maybe how she slowly kills himself. Please just something.


@ 1mViola  Hi. I just started reading this book. I'm on chapter 2 and I looked at the author's profile and saw the book "Second chance" which is sequel to this and one more book I think.