
My readers,
          	Checkmate is done. 
          	I've just uploaded the final chapters. 
          	And Domino begins.
          	This is the final book in the Clanlands series, where everything ends, all questions are answered - and you find out who and what started everything.
          	There will be two chapters uploaded every week, starting next week.
          	You've come along with me this far - come finish it with me.


I loved h&s as well as checkmate, i surely need to the end. But yet to see it kindly give us any kind of update!


@Merioanlytha I have loved your hide and seek.
          	  Haven’t reach checkmate yet, so can’t comment but I assume it would as fantastic as hide and seek had been


@Merioanlytha I didn't let go from H&S until now. Glad I stayed. :)


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