
Hi lovelies!
          	I've updated Kiss of the Fallen, and if you like the idea of an epic urban fantasy here's what you'll get with this one:
          	* An interracial romance featuring a new creature that slays vampires 
          	* Sword fighting and shootout
          	* Craxy sexual tension (srsly, if they bone someone could literally die)
          	* A bisexual, black heroine who's simply & unapologetically badass
          	* A hot, reluctant hero fighting witches and wereshifters  (oh my!)
          	Enjoy and don't forget to vote!


Hi lovelies!
          I've updated Kiss of the Fallen, and if you like the idea of an epic urban fantasy here's what you'll get with this one:
          * An interracial romance featuring a new creature that slays vampires 
          * Sword fighting and shootout
          * Craxy sexual tension (srsly, if they bone someone could literally die)
          * A bisexual, black heroine who's simply & unapologetically badass
          * A hot, reluctant hero fighting witches and wereshifters  (oh my!)
          Enjoy and don't forget to vote!


Hi Lovelies! Long time no see! I've missed you! For the past year, I took a hiatus from Wattpad, but have seen there's lots of cool changes and want to get back to basics for a while. In truth, I kinda missed you guys pushing me to update my stories and I love getting your feedback and talking about the characters. I'm gonna be a bit slow getting back into a routine, but I promise it's gonna be worth it.
          Thanks for those you've followed me and continue to join me in my character's adventures. You're awesome!
          Tell me what stories you want me to hop on and I'll work on pulling a schedule.
          Fun times folks!


@Kharma_Kelley Can u please finish A hard winter's night 


I really like your book killing me softly! Do you have an update schedule if so I would love to know so I can be the first to read lol


@Amariajarae Thanks for much for reading! I took a break from Wattpad, but now I'm coming back and trying to set up a writing schedule :)


Okay my lovelies! Finally got around to posting a new chapter of "Killing Me Softly"! I know I've kept you hanging, but I promise, this chapter makes up for it I swear! This one is GOOD and you don't wanna miss it! 
          Update to "Hard Winter's Night" and "Nocturnal Yours" coming soon!
          See you soon!


@ Kharma_Kelley  ❤❤❤ yay!!


Thank you so much for the follow <3<3 You don't know how much it means to me that such great author is following me <3<3


@ Kharma_Kelley  oh, you're making me blush!


@IVelez1 You're very welcome! I'm excited to read some of your work too!


Hey lovelies! I've finback and making a couple updates to some of my stories. I am going to be adding a couple of new ones in the next couple of weeks so hopefully you'll get some new reads! Thank you for everyone who has been following me commenting and rating my work!


@ Kharma_Kelley  That's great!!


Are your selenium night books published in physical copy or just online? I very much prefer reading physical books when possible, even when they cost a bit more. I love just finished the sample of the first one and I'm dying to finish it. 


@JordanPaulson8 Hello! Thanks for messaging me! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the story so far!  Yes, Selenium Night is published and available at all major online book retailers and the printed copy is available too!