
Hoping to have an update for Visions this weekend! Fell a bit behind because I last minute decided to do some rewrites since ONC is over because the next couple chapters were a bit rushed! Thank you for your patience to anyone reading along ❤️


Hoping to have an update for Visions this weekend! Fell a bit behind because I last minute decided to do some rewrites since ONC is over because the next couple chapters were a bit rushed! Thank you for your patience to anyone reading along ❤️


Ahhhh!!! So Of Blood and Roses won for fantasy in the Open Door Awards!!! I’m speechless! I was having a not so great day and was surprised to open up the app and discover I’d win!
          Please go check out the other winners!


@KatWynter Congratulations! (。・ω・。) 


Hello lovelies,
          A few updates! Chapter 14 of Visions of Blood and Heroes is up, along with chapter 24 of Hunted by a Night Fae. Sorry for being a bit slow lately. Been writing offline when I can but I'm feeling a bit disappointed that I didn't meet the last ONC deadline and finish Visions in time.
          Might try and squeeze some extra updates in tomorrow if I can! Thank you to everyone who is following along and reading my stories.


Hi lovelies!
          A new update for Visions! Despite it being my ONC, unless something magical happens the next couple days I likely will not be able to hit complete by the end of the month (though probably in another week or two!) Either way I'm very proud of my progress. This will be the first work I have written from scratch in years (not just edited).
          Just also want to let everyone know I will be hitting the mature button on in this book. I always knew there would be a little spice, but wasn't sure if it would be open door or closed. Lets just say I've made my decision...