
Hi guys! I just wanted to stop in quick to let you all know the The First 30 Days ebook will be FREE on Amazon on September 22, 2022! If you’ve been waiting for a deal to add the book to your library, it doesn’t get any better than free. Much love to you all ❤️


@Haven84 good to know .I love your books 


Hello!! I hope you are doing okay???
          I am really hooked on your books and I hope you update after 30 days soon. I really can't wait to see how it will end..... Thank you..
          Also take care of yourself and come back soon!!!!


Hi, @Haven84. I loved your bf30days and aft30days! I was curious as to wether you have plans to publish aft30days? I loved both of them so much, and fell in love with the characters.(figuratively) Thanks for being a super writer, for all of us readers, and your grandma. She would be proud.


Hi guys! I just wanted to stop in quick to let you all know the The First 30 Days ebook will be FREE on Amazon on September 22, 2022! If you’ve been waiting for a deal to add the book to your library, it doesn’t get any better than free. Much love to you all ❤️


@Haven84 good to know .I love your books 