
I wish I was better at social media. I thought I’d be doing better on Wattpad than I am. I really don’t understand how to get followers. Maybe my poetry isn’t as good as I thought it was, although I do believe it is good. Any pointers you could give me would be appreciated. I know I’m supposed to engage but I don’t know how. I’m introverted in real life and that behaviour seems to be rubbing off on my internet life. Help me please. 


I wish I was better at social media. I thought I’d be doing better on Wattpad than I am. I really don’t understand how to get followers. Maybe my poetry isn’t as good as I thought it was, although I do believe it is good. Any pointers you could give me would be appreciated. I know I’m supposed to engage but I don’t know how. I’m introverted in real life and that behaviour seems to be rubbing off on my internet life. Help me please. 


Hey would it be ok for you to provide a review on my one shot book " Here's my story.. " The book is about various victims narrating their experience on how they suffered from rape and their stories. I drew inspiration by reading Articles and watching videos. 
          Besides English is my fourth language I would love to hear the areas of improvements
          I completely understand if you are uncomfortable to read such mature topics or some other reasons to not check out my work
          Have a great day ahead. Wish you success in here 


How do I make a review? Just type it here or on your message board? I’m pretty new here and still not sure how everything works. 


I sorry, I tried getting you followers but… NO ONE listens to me anymore


@Farlonius No problem, just trying to help a fellow writer


Thank you for the votes, the follow, your kind words  and lovely attempt to gain me some followers. It may work yet.  It’s nice to know someone that enjoys paying it forward, karma will be kind to you. 


Somebody please follow me, before I decide to take it personally. I’m trying my best to be a good poet, but I’d prefer if more than one person could know it.  I don’t want to blow it by begging for votes and follows, but I desperately need computers to fill social media hollows. 


@Farlonius You're an amazing poet and I'm sorry I didn't see your profile earlier, I was on a holiday and wasn't allowed my phone lol XD You definetely deserve more followers bc your works are amazing!! :D


@Farlonius Hey, I believe everyone has a good writer in them… I know how you feel! I had little followers for a while. I’ll help you out! But just saying I’ll try my best


Hey, Apologies, I'm currently new to this website as well. If there are any poetry readers out there who are mystical and love poetry, I'm a newly published author by gotham books. I have my most recent published book out on Amazon and Barnes and nobles titled "An Angel That Fell, That Saved A Boy From Hell." Please check it out! The message inside my book is a real one.  https://www.amazon.com/s?k=an+Angel+That+Fell+that+saved+a+boy+from+hell&crid=33ZVK3HWXDPV5&sprefix=an+angel+that+fell+that+saved+a+boy+from+hell+%2Caps%2C258&ref=nb_sb_noss


If I could afford it I’d buy it cause I really enjoyed your poetry on Wattpad. Unfortunately I live on disability and live far below the poverty line.  I hope you post more on here for free that I can enjoy. 