

Congratulations my dude, I wish you the best on your future endeavors 


@EkemWrites Bonsoir,
          	  Toutes mes félicitations, pour l'obtention de votre diplôme.


Holy crap dude, congratulations! It’s crazy because I just saw an announcement for your graduation on the news this morning. I know we are kinda all random strangers across the internet lol, but a big ol’ congrats from me and the other thousands of people that have followed your awesome journey!!!!



Congratulations my dude, I wish you the best on your future endeavors 


@EkemWrites Bonsoir,
            Toutes mes félicitations, pour l'obtention de votre diplôme.


Holy crap dude, congratulations! It’s crazy because I just saw an announcement for your graduation on the news this morning. I know we are kinda all random strangers across the internet lol, but a big ol’ congrats from me and the other thousands of people that have followed your awesome journey!!!!


WATTYS 2024 will officially be my FINAL Wattys entrance on Wattpad. It’s sad to realize this, but I’ve reached a point in my life where I have to turn my attention to the more important things at hand, such as my incoming jobs post graduation.
          I’m going to enter at least two stories (FINTAIL and KINGDOMS), but I do not have any good finished products to really deliver to the table. So my chances are very slim and, given my lack of updates, even more slim.
          But I wish all good luck on this if you are entering. I know you guys are going to kill it!


@EkemWrites  Bonsoir,
            Je vous souhaite d'obtenir votre diplôme, comme nous disons chez-nous ( merde). 
             Bonne chance pour votre recherche d'emplois, j'ai hâte personnellement de lire vos livres, je vous souhaite une bonne continuation.


@EkemWrites Good Luck! I'm not entering this year as I did last time.Too much on my plate. Although I entered my sci-fi LGBTQ novel for the Pride month contest. Glad I finished that last year. That was the one I officially submitted for the 2023 Wattys, but as in the past, didn't win and didn't even get on the 1st batch either. But I'll try again next year if time permits. I'm also finishing my short story Embracing Wanderlust (I chose the word wanderlust cause the prompt has to do with traveling in the past!) Hoping to submit this weekend, deadline is on May 31st. Not hoping for much, but I hope you know the saying "You won't know, if you don't try" which is the idiom I follow.


"I am going to make you watch what you sacrificed a millennium of life for die before your eyes. I want you to smell the blood of your beautiful kin. I want it to rot in your lungs like eggs on a spit. And then…”
          His talons sunk an inch deeper, forcing yet another cry from the longsnout. The alien drew close, marking a lick against her trembling snout, then grinned.
          “I’ll kill you… when I feel like I’ve done enough.”
          A new chapter of FINTAIL will be released tomorrow, as well as a sneak peek for the following chapter, which will sort of kind of reveal what the heck's going on in that book.
          (sorry reposted due to a spoiler)


*breaks through wall* "2 weeks of college left, lets-a-go!"


HAPPY MAY FIRST! For some people this is the last day of class… for others this is the final time they get to enjoy cool air before being scorched by the sheer might of the sun. 


@Glory_feeling2 will do! Thanks! And that’s super cool with the classes, all my classes are hard. 


@EkemWrites Hi! Is this the last day of your class? I remember mine. But I had a mixture since I went to several ... please don't ask why as I'm just glad I finished and got my degrees. I went to colleges that had semester courses that would end in May, another that ran by quarter, which wouldn't end till June (Yup, I'd joke ... that was the longest day of my life, cause I took 4 hour courses which only met 2 days a week! And my first college ran by the 2 -1-2 system, which would be 2 heavy courses in the FALL and Spring plus 1 fast one in the winter. Just glad tha wa over decades ago. I think today, besides those stupid protests on college campuses, modern university courses are easier as some are online, hybrid, plus you can now rent text books! I hated buying expensive text books every year. Anyway, don't forget to wear suntan lotion! Trust me, it hurts if you get burned.