
Hey everyone! I was just peeking on here and noticed that Wattpad took down "Tears of The Moon" and "Reviving The Necromancer" because they apparently violated community guidelines. Obviously, that's utter rubbish because I hadn't even posted a single chapter of RTN on here, which means that they were likely reported. So, I apologize to everyone who was reading TOTM. If both of those books were reported then I'm guessing UTD and ITDP might get taken down too, but we'll see.  
          	Honestly, I'm not even mad. This site makes money through ads on my books and I don't get a dime of it. Meanwhile, I've been working my ass off just to survive and don't have any time to create new content. So, it's really no loss for me, lol. 
          	Tears of The Moon is still available in full on Inkitt. It's also on Lutionary, but I've been having some difficulting accessing my account on that site, so it hasn't been updated fully. I'll try to get that sorted out and put the rest of it up on there as soon as I can for you all.  
          	Thank you all for reading my silly stories. I know I've been an illusive sasquatch lately, but believe me, I really do appreciate all my readers and wish that I currently had more time to pursue my writing endeavors. :)
          	~Datura <3


@DaturaMoon omg no wonder! I thought maybe they were removed by your or something for further editing or something. Cus I did remember your page every more than two books.
          	  and plus I love your books and writing!




Hey everyone! I was just peeking on here and noticed that Wattpad took down "Tears of The Moon" and "Reviving The Necromancer" because they apparently violated community guidelines. Obviously, that's utter rubbish because I hadn't even posted a single chapter of RTN on here, which means that they were likely reported. So, I apologize to everyone who was reading TOTM. If both of those books were reported then I'm guessing UTD and ITDP might get taken down too, but we'll see.  
          Honestly, I'm not even mad. This site makes money through ads on my books and I don't get a dime of it. Meanwhile, I've been working my ass off just to survive and don't have any time to create new content. So, it's really no loss for me, lol. 
          Tears of The Moon is still available in full on Inkitt. It's also on Lutionary, but I've been having some difficulting accessing my account on that site, so it hasn't been updated fully. I'll try to get that sorted out and put the rest of it up on there as soon as I can for you all.  
          Thank you all for reading my silly stories. I know I've been an illusive sasquatch lately, but believe me, I really do appreciate all my readers and wish that I currently had more time to pursue my writing endeavors. :)
          ~Datura <3


@DaturaMoon omg no wonder! I thought maybe they were removed by your or something for further editing or something. Cus I did remember your page every more than two books.
            and plus I love your books and writing!




          Was about reading tears of the moon, then poof I can't find it anymore 
          When would it be brought back 


@babyangel306 Wattpad removed it because they're too lazy to actually check the books that get reported and blindly take them down. I know of a few other authors who have had this happen. They even took down Reviving the Necromancer, which had no content other than "it's in the works." TOTM is still on Inkitt, so you can finish it on there if you'd like. :)


Hey Everyone! I know it's been a hot minute since I've been on here. Because it's been so long, I dropped all the remaining chapters of Tears of The Moon all at once. So if you've been waiting for the ending, it's (finally) up, lol.


@earlyrossel Yeah, Wattpad took it down because it "violated community guidelines." Which is untrue, because their guidelines are things like "don't glorify hate crimes or discriminate against certain groups." Obviously, there was none of that sort of thing in my book, and if there was, I'd be chopping off my own hands, lol. So, I don't know. Someone reported it, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's still on Inkitt, so you can finish it on there. :)


@DaturaMoon Was just reading Tears of the Moon and poof! I can't find it anymore. You are such a great writer. Please don't ever stop writing 


@DaturaMoon Oh,  my heartfelt thanks to you for giving us the chance to feel a myriad of emotions from your creations!  
            You have such a great mind and a strong heart to weave fantastic plots,  incredible characters,  and unexpected twists. This is such a powerful and unique story that resonated with me in many ways.  Thank you.  


I have a question. Have you ever thought of printing your stories out to the world? I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who would love to see them.


@pyrausta Thank you so much! And yes! The publishing process is in the works, I just haven't had any free time to focus on my books for the past few months.


Hi! I finished Unbinding the Demon and Illuminating the prince and finished the posted chapters of Tears of the Moon! I don't know your life but your writing is amazing so don't give up and please try to post soon. Even if you don't, I hope you have a great life, thank you for writing!!!


Thank you so so much!!


@depressedteenlife Thank you so much! It means a lot to hear that. I hadn't been on here in a while, so I just posted the last few chapters of Tears of The Moon all at once!


Hello! So quick story with a question. I was totally in love with ur unbinding the demon story, however, at the time I was in such a mood that I was jumping from book to book after a certain amount of chapters. I defo regret it bcuz ur book is amazing. So anyways, I’m thinking to reread it but before I do, I checked out the last chapter and it confused me. I was wondering if u could tell me if it has a happy ending or not?
          If u don’t want to spoil others, can u dm me the answers instead? 


@DaturaMoon ok! Thank you so much for answering my question! Especially quickly!❤️


@KIWILEEA Hey! Thank you so much! I really appreciate hearing that you enjoyed reading part of the book! 
            The book does have a happy ending. It's a romance, so it's not a spoiler to say that the two main characters end up living happily ever after. :)