
MINE TO HAUNT chapter 27 is up. Thank you for the wait on this, and another chapter is coming very soon to make up for it. 


I will try to get the next chapter out today, but no promises, due to a family and weather emergency in Northeast Oklahoma. Me and my family just survived an EF3 tornado that took a direct hit to the town. All power is down. Red cross is trying to help the locals. My kids thankfully were just out of the path of destruction but we are rattled. I've been up since four as my husband tried to go get them from granny's, and the police weren't letting anyone in or out of the town. My thoughts go to Claremore, and all of those effected, even my children were rattled. 
          Massive widespread damage of a long tract tornado that also hit here in Pryor. Lives are lost. Our entire city is shaken. We are pulling together and trying to help rebuild. I am shaken. My family is okay. Houses are completely missing from their foundations. 
          I am so, so grateful to be okay. I am so grateful that my children are okay.


So, it appears my biography on Wattpad wasn't showing up for people. After having some friends look into it for me, we concluded that it didn't like my link to the Creator's blog where I had an interview (I had it linked on my profile). 
          I have removed the link and my biography is back up. So weird! But glad we could get it fixed. If you have any links in your biography, I'd check to make sure it comes up for other people.


Heads up: I am going through MINE TO HAUNT and lightly editing and adding some lines. This changes nothing of the story whatsoever. So no worries. 
          With each of my projects, I try to get it as clean as possible for easier reading time.


Anyone who is in Oklahoma, please stay safe tonight. Critical-level widespread storms w/tornadoes expected. Keep your eyes on the radar.


@Glory_feeling2 We are in okay. Thank you for the well wishes!


@DaniBrull Hi Dani! Are you and your family in OK? May you take care. Never experienced a tornado since I've always been in CA. We have earthquakes though. I remember when I took an Oceanology class, my Professor told us how had a conversation with a colleague from the East Coast once. They were discussing about the disasters Mother Nature brings.
            So the Prof. from the East and my teacher were arguing about Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Flooding and Tornadoes. Prof. from East probably never experienced an extreme Earthquake, California had a couple when I was young, which damaged a bridge. My prof. commented, "Well, I rather have my Earthquakes cause they don't last for days on end like your Hurricanes, Flooding and Tornadoes. 
            It's really sad with all the disasters in the world. But it's a part of life and we have to get ready for them.
            My dad works for the FAA since he retired from the Navy, and the FAA training school is located in OK. My dad used to go over there  10 yrs ago. Said Tornadoes were brutal. The town has a bunker where everyone hides.