
Wolf Pack!!!
          	Since my birthday is Thursday, May 30th, I have done a small gift for all of you. The 3 books in the "Rejection Series" will be put on sale for Kindle e-book
          	Book 1: Rejection on the Full Moon is free all day!
          	Book 2: Rejecting the Future Moon Goddess will be $1.99 [USD] /£1.99 
          	Book 3: Rejection to the Alpha King's Daughter will be $1.99 [USD] /£1.99 
          	So if you are looking to snag the Rejection Series for your Kindle library, check out the link in my bio on May 30th for awesome sales!


@Angel-Lunair that is amazing, I already have them all, reread them s few times already, congradulations


Wolf Pack!!!
          Since my birthday is Thursday, May 30th, I have done a small gift for all of you. The 3 books in the "Rejection Series" will be put on sale for Kindle e-book
          Book 1: Rejection on the Full Moon is free all day!
          Book 2: Rejecting the Future Moon Goddess will be $1.99 [USD] /£1.99 
          Book 3: Rejection to the Alpha King's Daughter will be $1.99 [USD] /£1.99 
          So if you are looking to snag the Rejection Series for your Kindle library, check out the link in my bio on May 30th for awesome sales!


@Angel-Lunair that is amazing, I already have them all, reread them s few times already, congradulations


Did you put Rejecting The Future Moon Goddess on Fancynovel? Because I found it there and I just wanted to know.


@swiftly11_  it probably is  i have my books on wide places, but the best place to get them is on Amazon as you can get the physical print copies or an e-book version for your kindle/kindle app.


Good morning, if I could figure out a way to private message you I would have because I do have a question. 
          If we find any Grammer/spelling/ wrong word type deal on any of the new chapters. Do you want us to point them out, if yes how? Just in the comments below the chapter?


@Angel-Lunair I've been out of college for a while now. Might go back for it though, sounds like fun :)


@ErienneClaxton here is an idea, go into editing / proofreading and make a side hustle/career of it if you love it! It would be an amazing job for you and most colleges offer courses for it if you are still in school.


@ErienneClaxton sounds good :)
            I love doing it for some reason, but I don't want to offend a writer by pointing out a mistake unless it is ok with them :)


This is a reminder to everyone that the books with [Amazon Edition] on them are available on amazon. It seems some people can't be bothered to read the author notes to learn this fact. 
          That being said, I do plan to put "Rejection on the Full Moon" for free on Amazon May 30th as it is my birthday, and this is my gift to my readers.
          Rejecting the Future Moon Goddess and Rejection to the Alpha King's Daughter will be on sale for that day as well!!


@Angel-Lunair your welcome, love reading what you write


@lonelygirl2323  thank you so much for your support! 


@Angel-Lunair I have bought all the books, you have on Amazon right now, excited to read them again, congradulations by the way


          This weekend, "Rejecting the Future Moon Goddess" will be free on amazon! I know you all loved the original works to the Rejection Series and have been seeing many of you loving the amazon versions, so if you haven't, now is your chance to grab a free copy!


          I have started working on my next hook and am super excited! I will explain which one I am working on later but just know another book will be finished soon!


@Softail3543 actually, that one of the books I am finishing 


            Do you have plans on finishing  The Crown? It's a great book and alot of readers would love to finish it.  Keep up the great work.  You are a great author.