Chapter 46

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"Are you kids planning to wake up today?" you heard your mom's voice, "It's 11:45am"

You squinted to see your mom hovering over all three of you.

"Uh- hey mom" you said, "good morning to you too"

"Hello Mrs. L/n" Eric said, rubbing his temples.

"Goodmorning Mrs. L/n" Maia greeted your mom, clenching her hair.

"I can see you're pretty hungover, even if you didn't look like raccoons, it would've been made obvious by the mess you've created" your mom said.

"What time is it?" you asked Eric.

"11:47am" he responded.

"Oh shit, shit shit, I have to meet Diego at 1" you said.

"Y/n, as much as I like the fact that you're finally going out with a boy I chose for you-" your mom started but you interrupted her.

"Mom, you literally like every guy walking down the street for me, the only thing left is you handing out my number to them" you said.

"Yeah, whatever, what I'm saying is" she continued, "no one is leaving my terrace till the time this mess has been cleared" she pointed all around you.

"First of all, it's not a date-" you started saying but then you looked at the litter all around you, "hold up, when the fu-" then you looked at your mom, "oops, I mean, when the heck did we drink beer? I don't even remember bringing it"

"Oh my daughter, everyone, I present to you, my lovely daughter. She is clearly so hungover in front of me, but she is very careful not to say cuss words when I'm around" your mom slow clapped, "how amazing, be super drunk but dont abuse, everyone should take notes"

"Have I ever told you how badly I want you to adopt me?" Eric asked your mom, "I wish I could roast y/n like that"

"Mrs. L/n, please keep me with you" Maia begged.

"And have two other people pestering me about how they wish to drown in Namjoon's dimples and how they wish to be a fly or a mosquito so that they could enter BTS' house? No, I think I'll pass" your mom said while laughing.

"For the millionth time mother, OUCH" you said.

"I'm kidding, in fact, I'm sending over adoption papers to your parents, I'd love to discuss BTS with you, maybe.. but I'd honestly love to have you here" she patted Maia's and Eric's heads.

"But on a serious note, clean this place" she said.

"WAIT" you shouted, "WHERE IS MY PHONE?" you were frantically checking your pockets, "YOU" you pointed accusingly at Eric, "YOU THREW MY PHONE AWAY LAST NIGHT" 

"Ah yes yes, wait" Eric said and went towards the back, "Here, see, it didn't even break"

Even though it seemed intact, it was out of battery.. so you asked your mom to put it on charge while the three of you cleaned the terrace.

After clearing the place you rushed downstairs to quickly take a shower and in 20 minutes you were ready. You had put on a tshirt with a cartoon Yoongi and paired it with denim shorts.


Thankfully your phone was charged by the time you had to leave, there were still 5 minutes to 1pm so you decided to check if you had missed anything while you were passed out.. also to remember why your phone was dead in the first place.

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