Chapter 1

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Caleb POV :

Why does it have to be so painful? I would think that the pain would decrease after two years, but here I am laying on the floor of my bedroom in a fetal position, crying my eyes out.

'Can you just take one night off' I beg silently, feeling tears roll down my face? The pain I feel happens every night now, sometimes all night long. When it gets that bad I pass out due to the pain I feel, but I would wake up hours later when it starts up again.

It's my body letting me know my mate is mating with someone else. It's not enough that I always feel empty inside when I see them together. I also have to feel this unbearable pain when he's mating with her.

The funny thing is, I don't blame her or hold any resentment towards her, she just has everything the moon Goddess gave to me. You can say I'm jealous.

Once the pain stopped I took a few minutes to breathe just in case they wanted a round four. I don't know who can have sex three times a night. EVERY. Single. Night. I swear my mate isn't normal, he's gotta be a part rabbit or something.

Once I realize they're done for the night I get up off the floor to take a hot shower. After they mate I always feel so dirty. I scrub my skin so hard that I leave red marks on myself.

Pain is just one of the many great side effects of rejection. Note the sarcasm, like there's any upside to being rejected. I can still remember that day like it was yesterday.

I can still remember the pain of being rejected. I wouldn't wish that feeling on my worst enemy, it was like my soul was being ripped from my body.


"Caleb, hurry up or I swear You'll walk to school" my brother Chris yelled up the stairs for the fifth time this morning.

"I'm coming, I just need to find the right shoes and I'm all set!" I yelled back.

Today is my 17th birthday and I'm finally going to meet my mate! So, of course, I have to look my best. I wonder who he is? Does he have a big family? Is he gay? Would he care if I was an omega? I've been asking myself these questions for weeks. Whoever my mate is I just hope they will accept me.

'Please Moon Goddess let my mate be him' I silently beg as I make my way downstairs.

Not that there is anything wrong with girls, they are amazing, but I'm not into the whole boobs and vagina thing.

"Happy birthday kid," my brother said ruffling my hair.

"Ugh look what you did," I said while slapping his hands away. " it took me 40 minutes to tame my curls and you messed them up in three seconds," I said trying and failing to get my hair to look okay.

I swear I would've cut my hair all the way off if it wasn't for my humongous forehead. Why couldn't I be born more like my dad and Chris? They're so lucky they have dark brown straight hair, while I took after mom with dark brown curly hair.

I hurry and grab a piece of toast from the toaster and met my brother by his car. We weren't rich or poor, my brother being beta of our pack allowed him to keep us comfortable.

My parents died when I was 9 and my brother was 18, so he pretty much raised me alone. It's because he is raising me he couldn't go out and search for his mate. Being 28 and mateless was almost unheard of until the next-in-line alpha himself couldn't find his mate. In my pack, the alpha title could not be passed down until the next-in-line alpha was mated. Same with the beta title but since my parents were dead my brother had no choice but to assume the role.

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