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Months After Holiday Break ^

Rose's POV

Currently, I am sitting with my friends at breakfast discussing our upcoming final exams. There is only one month and a half left of the school year, then we will have summer break. The holiday break was very fun and relaxing. Only year 4's were permitted to take their dragons, so I was unable to take Belvedere, Artemis or Apollo to my village. But, I told everyone about my three companions and my time here at the Academy. I drew up a rough sketch of my katana so that I could show Mr.Lucia and the Smith Triplets my new weapon.

When we got to Trinity Stone village, I felt like I was being tossed around from person to person, welcomed with hugs. I eventually caught up with everyone and spent a long time talking to Nicholas about my elements. He gave me some tips to be more in depth with my energy and I in turn assisted him in our village garden.

The Lucia's were ecstatic to see me. Along with Jason, they held a feast for me and the other village warriors in celebration of my 'success'. It was very thoughtful and such a fun time. I didn't realize how much I missed everyone until I saw them again. I went to the bakery during the holiday break to try and recreate the cream cheese raspberry filled biscuits. When I was successful, and the Wilson's tasted them, they immediately added it to their menu.

I finally introduced Roman to Gabby and Isa, they surprisingly got along really well. I missed everyone at the orphanage so much, so it was awesome to get to see them again. It was hard to leave after being there for about 2 weeks, but I am glad I got to catch up with everyone I love. Much like the choosing ceremony, Oceanus, Ampiere, Emil, Daisy, and Axel came to pick us up. I flew back to the Academy on Scar with Roman, Oliver, and the golden boys.

Now, I am waiting for Headmaster Jackson to speak of the announcement he mentioned yesterday.

"Alright students, listen up," Headmaster catches the attention of the entire school, even the staff are lined up along the cafeteria walls. "As everyone besides the year 1's know, there is an annual ball to take place in a weeks time." Whispers began flowing in and out of everyone's mouths. "Please remain silent for this is a very important message." Headmaster instructs, the whispers come to a halt.

"This gala will host six students per Academy for every Magii region. Five schools make up one region, and there are 10 Magii regions total. Two of the regions are in North America, one of which we belong to, three of the regions are in Europe, where the event will be hosted, two regions are in South America, two regions are in Asia, and one is in Africa. Every Headmaster per school will be in attendance with their six students. This ultimately means 350 people will attend this ball in hopes of raising money for their Academy." Headmaster Jackson gives us a brief background. He takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Out of the six students selected, one student will be selected for each element and for dragon riding. This sixth student is more likely to be the student who shows the most potential given that they are not a year 4. The decision of who we should bring is decided upon by the whole faculty. Now, without further adieu, here are the students who have been selected to attend the ball. For the element of water, Aiden Clark has been chosen." There is a huge round of applause as Aiden makes his way towards the stage.

"For the element of Air, Clay Machovec has been chosen." I continue clapping with a wide smile as I see Clay making his way next to Aiden.

"For the element of nature, Louis Bernard has been chosen." I see William stand up and whistle for his brother. Timotheé and his twin are clapping loudly. I see Louis stand next to Clay with a huge smile on his face.

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