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"You look tired," Heather commented as she sat down.

"I am, barely got any sleep last night." I yawned.

"Oh, why?"

"I binge watched gossip girl all night." I grinned and she laughed.

"Well, now we know your reason for arriving late two weeks ago." The ever efficient Lilian said as she appeared round the corner.

"That was not–"

"I'm sure it was something just as silly," she said and I breathed in. Patience, that had been all getting me through the past few days as she seemed to have a personal vendetta against me.

The doors to William's office opened and out he came, dressed in one of his signature immaculate suits I'd become accustomed to seeing him in, the past few weeks.

"What's my schedule for today like?"

"A meeting by 10, which Miss Jack will accompany you to, then another by 12 with the stakeholders. You mentioned needing your home office reorganised so Miss Duhamels will handle that later in the day."

"Okay, good. We'll leave for Illston tech by 9:30," he said to Heather and she nodded then he turned to me, "and by 3 pm, we should be on our way to my apartment." I nodded as well.

"Also, I'm shifting the salary payment date to Tuesday, three weeks from now. There are some issues within the financial department that need to sorted out first. Let that circulate." He finished and returned to his office.

I immediately panicked.

Salaries were meant to be paid by the end of this week and my rent was due this Saturday. I already had everything calculated and planned out. Pay Jiggy rent, go grocery shopping and save a little.

Jiggy was not going to be happy.

What if I asked for an advanced payment? And let William know I was struggling? No.

The rest of the day, I tried not to think about my poverty, looming rent or Jiggy but how could I not? My head played all the words and possible future scenes on a constant reloop. It was only the Tuesday of my fourth week working at Dieter and Leona and I wished the weekend or any other week would never arrive.

"You're back early, where's the boss?" I asked Heather who was just returning since leaving with William in the morning.

"In the parking lot, waiting in the car. Have you had lunch? We stopped on the way here and I got one extra sandwich for you incase." She lifted a brown lunch bag up and I smiled apologetically.

"I have actually but thank you though." I stood up carrying my bag.

"Alright, bye. See you tomorrow," she waved.

I lied about lunch. I felt too queasy to eat or drink anything but walking to the elevator, my stomach rumbled. I ignored it and continued down till I was in the lot. Finding the car, I entered the passenger side, sitting beside to the driver.

"Hello," I smiled at the driver who'd helped me with my first dreadful assignment at the furniture shop.

"Good afternoon miss." He smiled back and started the car. William was seated at the back but we didn't exchange any words. Thirty minutes later, the car parked in front of a very tall apartment complex.

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