Chapter 20

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He didn't say anything, he just leaned on his desk, looking down.

"Tyler I'm so sorry, I should have told you," I mutter quietly.

What he said next is what I really didn't want to hear.

End of the recap.

"Anna maybe you should go meet with him!"

"I know Tyler I'm- wait what?" I blurt.

He must be joking! Right?
There's no way I'm meeting this psycho-stalker that's been taunting me for the past month.
What if something happens to me? Why is Tyler okay with that happening! Am I that easy to let go of?

Suddenly Katy peeks through the door. "Hey, you find your phone?" She asks casually.

I spin around with a panicked glare and she caught on that something is wrong. She smoothly steps into the room and closes the door behind her.

"Look, Tyler, whatever she did now I bet she's really sorry!" Katy babbles. "She's under a lot of pressure and sometimes she can lose her mind, but other than that she's like perfect, I mean look at her butt it's-!"

"Katy!" I hiss at her, stopping her from continuing the ramble.

"Did she know?" Tyler questions, I can tell that he's hurt, it's killing me. I should have told him sooner, how could I be so stupid. Lately, all I been doing is hurting him...

I didn't say anything, I didn't want to look at him if I did I would start to cry. Why would he want me to meet him? He would just hand me over, wouldn't he?

"What's going on?" Katy asks completely confused, she put her hands on her hip and rose an eyebrow.

I wasn't planning on explaining and disappointing Katy also. I kept my head down and shuffled to my even more cracked phone on the floor. I swiftly picked it up and rush out of his suffocating office, it's like I couldn't breathe. Walking down the hallway I could hear Katy and Tyler talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Maybe Tyler had a good idea, maybe I should just hand myself over. Maybe I'm going to!
Obviously, I'm just a burden on him and his pack, but those people want me. They desire me, they'll fight for me!
I never thought I would have to choose between Tyler or someone who would kill for me, someone who needs me.

I marched into my old bedroom and locked the door. I couldn't handle being in a room covered in his scent.

I guess I made up my mind, I'm meeting with the mystery man... today.


He told me to meet with him in the clearing on the far east side of the forest. I was going to obey him even though my wolf was crying for her mate, our mate. But after all, this is what Tyler wanted.

I haven't spoke to him or Katy the rest of the day, I guessing he enlightened her on the situation. I can't help but wonder what she thought, did she understand why I did what I did? If she didn't then I guess I have two people I love against me now.

I slipped on my thick jacket and my black boots, it's time to go. I tucked my phone deep in my warm pocket and headed into the cool winter weather. Walking across the field by the training area I saw Jackson sparing with another wolf. He won the match, but his eyes roamed to me.


I immediately looked away and sped up my walking pace. He could see I was heading into the woods.

"Anna!" He called after me. I didn't dare look back. Just keep walking, just keep walking.

"Anna!" I could hear him getting really close.
I guess I can't dodge this one. I turned to see him running right up to me, time to lie.

The Girl With Lycan Bloodحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن