22nd of November, 2020

20 4 0

Path to repentance is not easy. Because you'll have convictions. You'll have doubts that whether if God will forgive you, or will He ultimately see your ulterior motives to make yourself feel better just to repeat your past mistakes. You will be presented with your inner desires, where you'd feel scared of. You'll feel painful to remind yourself not to repeat it all over again.

I admit, this is scary. There are times in the past where I seem to have repented and do those sins all over again, and it scares me. Will I repeat the same mistake? Will it be a problem again in the future, or am I strong enough to be better this time?

Dear Allah, let me be consistent in my path to be a better person for myself, for my family, my friends and ultimately for You. Give me the strength for me to be consistent, to not be led astray by anything, and to be the best version of myself that I can be.

I am grateful for all the chances You have given me.

I ask of You, give me strength.

For those reading, please pray for me. I pray that all of us to always be guided by His light.


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