12. Rules

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Luke's p.o.v.

I'm really hungry. Good thing Wilder is such a good cook. He's whipped up an amazing breakfast in minutes. Aiden has been sat on the top of the working counter with his feet dangling. He looks so cute I could kiss him the whole day.

He wants to help, I can tell but Wilder wouldn't let him. He said that he wants Aiden to get his strength back before he starts doing work of any kind again.

We are now making our way over to the dining table, Noah having already set plates out for us. We all gather around and sit down chatting about which Avenger is the best. It's a pretty funny conversation until I notice that Aiden hasn't sat down next to me where his plate is. Instead he is now kneeling on the floor next to the table, sitting on his legs with his hands on his thighs and his head hung low.

It's sad to see him like this. It must be something that he had to do in his old pack. Seriously, what kind of messed up do you have to be to hurt someone so fragile? I feel anger and worry growing inside me. Before I can utter a word, Wilder gets up from his seat and picks Aiden up from the floor. He places him on his seat at the table before going back to his own plate. Everyone now has a full plate of lovely eggs and bacon on them. I try to ignore the tension that is now present and dig into my food. The alphas soon do the same but Aiden just sits there, staring at the plate.

James is the first to speak up:"Aiden why aren't you eating?" A pause follows his question."I'm not allowed to eat before you are all finished.", he answers, boring holes into his plate with his eyes.

Suddenly, Noah's fist collides with the table, making Aiden and me jump in shock. He is seriously angry.

Aiden starts shaking a little.

"Aiden, it's not your fault." I say trying to reassure him. Noah's head whips into Aiden's direction. "Sweetheart, no. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just angry about the pack that treated you that way. If I ever see that alpha, I will make him pay!",Noah growls dangerously and I know he's serious.

"Now, these are old rules. They don't matter anymore, so eat.", Noah's attention is on Aiden, as he demands him to pick up his fork in a dominant yet calm and reassuring tone.

The omega listens to him as he picks up his fork and pushes some of the food in his mouth. He closes his eyes lightly and I can hear a soft moan escape his throat as he tastes the food.

My pants suddenly grow tighter and I have to adjust in my seat. I can tell the others are having a hard time too and I smirk. These men can be dominant all they want but even they can be influenced by arousal in an instant. Ha!

Breakfast lasts only a few minutes more until everyone's finished. We make our way towards the kitchen to wash up together. It's a nice thing to do because it gets done much faster and is more fun to do with all of your mates present.

Wilder's p.o.v

When Noah and Aiden were in the bathroom, James and I made a list of rules we are going to present to Aiden and Luke in a few minutes. It was mainly the idea to make it for Aiden, so that he isn't confused about rules but it couldn't hurt our little troublemaker to get some guidelines as well.

We quickly realized that Aiden needs clear rules to follow because he is too used to them. He was most likely abused and psychologically influenced for years and can't just be told that he can do whatever he wants now that these rules don't apply anymore. Because that would send his mind into chaos. He would always come back to the old rules he had because of his naturally submissive being.

Every good alpha should know not to mistreat an omega, as they are fragile and easily influenced but that fucker, that disgrace of an alpha dared to do exactly that to our mate. And he will pay.

We just finished the washing up and are off to the livingroom. Everyone sits down on the big couch as I take out the list of rules.

"So, Luke and Aiden, we would like you to look at these rules and keep them in mind. I will make copies of them for you, so that you don't forget them but from now on, we don't want you to break any of them. Otherwise there will be punishment."

Aiden nods and Luke rolls his eyes with a sigh. I smirk. Then they take a closer look at the sheet of paper in front of them.

1. Rule: Don't be afraid of your alphas.

2. Rule: Adress your alphas with respect but only by their names, not their titles.

3. Rule: Go to sleep and wake up when your alphas tell you to.

4. Rule: Eat at least three portions of food everyday with a significant amount of vegetables and greens.

5. Rule: Talk to your alphas when you're not feeling well or need to get something off your chest.

6. Rule: Tell your alphas when you're going out, what you are planning to do and where you are going. We will then tell you if it is alright or not to go.

7. Rule: Don't talk to other alphas unless you have permission by your own alphas to do so.

8. Rule: Do small chores in the house that your alphas will give to you once in a while. Don't do them without being asked to.

9. Rule: Don't overwork yourself. If you feel ill or tired you will immediately stop work and tell your alphas without hesitation.

10. Rule: Know that your alphas love you very much.

Both of them study the list intently and when they are done, Aiden looks up with his shiny hopeful eyes, looking at me. I know he's trying to ask me something. I raise my eyebrows signalling him to go on.

"Do... do I really get to go outside??", he asks, a hopeful expression in his eyes. Oh my poor baby!

Has he really not been allowed to ever go outside in this old pack of his? I can't believe it! My resentment towards that packs leader only grows.

"Of course you do, darling! This is not gonna be your prison. You can go outside whenever you desire, we just want to know when you do so we can protect you. That is the job of alphas. We must protect the weaker members of the pack and not tyrannize them. Do you get that?", James says very convinced of what he's talking about.

"Y-yes", Aiden says. "Good", James replies. I observe Luke who has been silently sitting next to Aiden, listening and seeming lost in his thoughts. He then suddenly puts his one knee on the couch and swings his other leg over Aiden's lap so Aiden is in between his legs. I watch as Luke grabs Aiden's face and kisses him roughly. The sight is incredible and I can feel a sudden bulge in my pants.

James and Noah seem to be having the same problem and now we can all smell the sweet and magical scent that is the arousal of both our submissive mates. My alpha comes forward, wanting to take control.

My eyes darken as I watch the two kissing and it turns me on so much that I suddenly get up and say:"We need to go upstairs, right now"

Luke breaks the kiss to look at me, his lips a little bit more red and his eyes glossy. I can see in his eyes that he desires the same thing as I do right now, which only makes me more excited.

Without another word, Luke grabs Aiden's hand and stands up in a hurry before leading him out of the room. They both run off, small giggles escaping their mouths.
Oh no you don't , a smirk makes its way across my face and with a last look at James and Noah who have similar expressions on their faces, we take off after them.

They want to play catch? Then we will do just that.

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