50 - Officially Theirs

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I will always be yours
You stole my heart some time ago
When the madness saw this winter
We wait for spring to grow

Till the blossom blows
Till the blossom blows
Till the blossom blows

Got to be like water
Got to be like rain
Got to be myself again
No matter what you say. - Water - Bush

Marcella's POV

"So why have you goons called me here?" I ask, looking between Caleb and Vincent as we stand in their room. Davyna is asleep in the spare room for the time being. Declan has said she needs to rest as much as she can, and no one has opposed him.

Yesterday was quite the revelation, and now there are more plans in motion. But first, we have to get through this ball.

"We wanted to show you the dress we picked out for Davyna." My eyes widen. "Why didn't you say so? Let me seeeeee!" I exclaim happily. Vincent chuckles at my reaction, and heads over to the closet and pulls out a dress bag. He unzips the zipper and reveals the garment to me. My jaw drops.

"It's stunning you guys. She's going to look amazing!"

"Can you do her hair and makeup? We want her pampered." I nod excitedly. "Of course! Leave it to me!"

My heart warms at the smiles I receive from them both. It's been amazing to see them focused on Davyna and her well being. They are genuinely happy. I feel tears prick my eyes and they look at me with concerned faces. I hold my hand up.

"Happy tears... just happy tears." They place the dress back in the closet and embrace me.

"I am so happy for you two. You couldn't have found a better mate."

"We're pretty lucky." Caleb says and I hug them a little tighter.

- - -

Davyna's POV

It's been such a boring past few days. Declan has kept up with the barrier, but then keeps putting me to sleep right after. He said it's helping to not exert myself, so I've just been reading, eating and sleeping. Thankfully the pain has been bearable, but it's just so surreal all that was revealed to me just a few days ago.

Vincent and Caleb didn't get to surprise me per se with the suite, but everything they did I definitely noticed. I was touched by the little shrine they made for my adoptive mother Klaire. It touched me to have her so close and included in my new life.

I'm currently more distracted by the fact that the coronation ball for Vincent and Caleb is tonight. Actually in a matter of hours. I'm so goddamn nervous about being introduced as their mate. Every single person in the compound is going to know now. I shudder. It doesn't ease my fears. Nothing has happened since I've come back, but Asher's warning still lingers in my mind.

I jump a bit as my bedroom door opens. Caleb, Vincent and Marcella pile in one after the other.

"How are you feeling love?" Vincent asks, coming over to kiss me gently. "I feel strong. Whatever Declan's been doing, it's been working. I should get through tonight no problem."

"Good to hear. Marcella is going to help get you ready. We've got to go get ready ourselves, so we will see you at Bloodhaven okay?" Caleb states and I smile and nod.

"See you there, you two." They both kiss me and then head out.

Marcella squeals in delight. "I am so excited to get you all dolled up! Go get in the shower and make sure you're squeaky clean!!" I laugh. "Okay, boss." I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and hop off, stretching and flexing my toes before I head into the bathroom. I undress, hop in and I scrub myself from head to toe. I make sure I'm cleanly shaven and then head out in my robe. I smile as I see that Sage has joined in on the fun.

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