chapter 41~Dave's crush

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A/N: if you haven't voted on any of the previous chapter, pretty pretty please do so now. Thank you so much in advance.❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙

The bell denoting the day was over rang and I zipped up my bag, wiped the dust off my shoes painstakingly and slung my bag over my shoulders.

I waved goodbye to Cara who was engrossed in a conversation George and they both waved absent-mindedly compelling a smile of amusement from my lips.

I turned around only to smack into a barricade made solely of flesh. I redirected my gaze upwards and my eyes clashed with a pair of clever brown eyes and a wide grin which belonged to Cole.

"Didn't see you there?" I muttered with a contemplative frown

"I did." He chirped brightly

"You let me bump into you on purpose?" I asked bewildered

"Nope, it wasn't my fault you weren't minding you were going." He teased

I raised a brow as though to say "really?"

He smoothed down the brow with his fingers, I stared at him expectantly. He hadn't stopped me for nothing, had he?

"What?" He asked

"I was actually on my way home and you're currently obstructing me." I pointed out

"It's not a narrow road." He beamed irkfully

I groaned and made to go around him when he got in front of me again. I stared at him flustered "what're you doing?"

"I just felt like moving, that's all. What an absolute coincidence!" He exclaimed with a look of mock astonishment

I sighed and made another move to go past him and he hindered me again with a wider grin.

"Cole, I'd like to go home now. I don't have time for jokes." I lamented

"Did something come up?" He inquired curiously

"No, Cole." I replied sincerely

"Why're you in a hurry then?" He looked like he couldn't comprehend it.

"Because I'm tired and I'd like to rest." I sighed

Cole seemed to think for a minute before suggesting brightly "I'll take you home in my car then since you're tired, it's way comfortable than the bus and you'll save money."

I smiled, a saccharine sweet phony smile "thanks for the offer but I actually enjoy taking the bus."

"Why? Any unhingeded person could just come along and ride the bus, love." He chuckled

I made a weird face before mumbling to myself "that's ironic."

"What was that? I didn't quite catch it." He cocked his head a little to the side and stared unblinkingly at me.

"Nothing, so uhm there's absolutely no need to worry. I've been riding the bus for the past few weeks with no incident. I assure you today will be no different." I diverted the topic swiftly

"And I've been worrying every single time, let's change that today." He smiled broadly

"Your mouth never hurts from all the smiling you do?" I blurted curiously

"Nope." He grinned even wider before asking

"What happened to your clique?"

"What clique?" I was genuinely puzzled

"Josh, George, Cara, Lily and Dave." He listed

"They're busy with relationships and stuff. I dunno." I shrugged, his question had caused me to remember something.

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