Chapter 17 - The Midnight Feast

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Guthrie was sitting in the bathroom, her back against the wall, her arms wrapped around her knees. She rocked back and forth. The dorm room silent and empty, until a loud knock was heard from the door. She stood up and paused wondering who it was, then the knock came again louder and more insistent. Guthrie opened the bathroom door and then made her way to the dorm door. She opened the door to find Mishal smiling at her, her red hair a mess, and her eyes shining.

"Mish," Guthrie hissed pulling Mishal inside, "It's the middle of the night! What are you doing here? You know what! I don't even want to know!"

But Mishal just waved a dismissive hand at her, "There's a feast at Amber's, let's go."

"Excuse me?"

"Kenna's being really annoying, not talking to me. So I came to you." Mishal said picking up Guthrie's coat.

Guthrie snatched it back from her, "So I should be happy I'm your second choice?"

Mishal didn't answer.

She shrugged and pulled Guthrie into the dark hallway, "Be quiet."

"I don't even want to go!"

"It'll be good for you Rie," Mishal whispered softly.

Guthrie stopped and tears threatening to slip down her cheeks. "Cause of Rina, yeah?"

Mishal didn't reply but stiffened and Guthrie had her answer, "Look just because you feel sorry for me-"

"I don't feel sorry for you!" Mishal hissed, "You're my friend!"

Guthrie stopped midsentence, and then blinked her eyes. Then whispered, "Okay,"

Guthrie could see Mishal visibly relax before they hurried off almost bumping into a dark figure hurrying towards them.

Guthrie shrunk back, but Mishal didn't seem fazed, grabbing the hooded person and leading them both towards the earth dorms. It was Lynn, Guthrie realised, as she came closer, her face illuminated by the candles lining the hallway.

As if feeling her gaze Lynn turned to look at Guthrie, and gave her a smile. Guthrie's heart felt lighter, everything was going to be fine, she thought.


Lana stood outside the dorm room. Her hand raised to knock on it, only extend out her palm flat against the door to the room and lean her forehead against it, tears pouring down her face. After she had fallen into the ground, she had made her way back to the academy, making her own tunnels through the ground, the earth jewel in a hidden pocket of her dress. She had climbed out into the school gardens and stood outside Gemma's room. Her roommate. Her roommate that she had abandoned. It had been hard coming back to the academy. It was filled with so many of her childhood memories, in fact the only memories she had were of her at the academy, ten years old. Coming to the academy, meeting Gemma, sneaking pastries from the cooks, then meeting Mishal and playing horrible pranks on the teachers, having midnight feasts and playing in the gardens. But those memories bring back more recent memories, and she shuddered thinking about them.

As she was contemplating knocking on the door and leaving again she heard voices from inside the room and jumped back surprised. One was definitely Gemma, but other than that she heard another voice she recognised vaguely. She took a step back further when it registered in her mind. Jade.

Jade had once been a friend of Lana's but Lana had once found Jade stealing her grey pendent, she had never talked to her after that and neither had Gemma. Until now apparently. The voices grew louder and laughter echoed in the halls. Lana retreated further into the shadows as the door opened.

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