E x t r a (Notes, Questions, etc.)

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Guys. I just finished another book. This is my third completed novel with over 50K words. I am going to cry actual tears because I've made it this far. Starting in the beginning of May -- ending in what is now the end of October 2020 -- to being featured. I could not be any prouder. My goal is to produce a new version of this story one day (already in the works) with better fleshed out characters, a more in-depth plot, and a better ending that I can share with everyone.

It's time for my follow up questions as usual though, haha! Does anyone have any favorite scenes they'd like to share? Who are your favorite characters? I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts. This story is another personal favorites of mine. It was also the first time I played around with a memory concept, psychological thriller like this, so I am so happy I was able to share it with all of you lovely readers.

If you couldn't get enough of Traces of Delilah, I do have some other stories you might love just as much, maybe even more, if you browse through my profile. If you want to keep up with me and my writing, I suggest following my Twitter and/or Instagram! The links can be found in my bio. Thank you all so much for making this journey worth it.

If you have any questions for me about anything really, leave them below!


PS. I'd like to address this since it's been brought to my attention! As quoted in the author's note of Mary's Bones: I wanted to write an ending that reflected off something we see a lot in reality; the fact that sometimes the reasons remain between the murderer and their wrongful doings.

Therefore, allowing my protagonist to theorize possible conclusions for the culprit's actions based on what they already know. So, we can assume it was to cover up Damon's murder, or to keep Delilah from exposing him, or whatever other conclusion's the characters themselves come to, given the circumstances. In the rewrite, I'll definitely try and handle this better though because I feel it could be better established.

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