Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Eli's POV***

        By the time Layla finally arrived, the party was in full swing. But that didn't stop me from immediately noticing her when she walked in, her colorful makeup glowing in the dark. I felt myself smile as I made my way over to her, and the look on her face when she saw me made me smile even harder. She beamed through the room.

"You made it!" I yelled down to her over to music.

"Wouldn't miss it!" She replied, leaning up and quickly kissing me on the cheek. I looked around us for who might have seen, but she gestured to the corner of the room, where Kevin and Ali were having a grand old time.

"Kevin's preoccupied!" She explained and I nodded with a smile. Still wanting to be safe, I took her hand in mine and weaved our way through the crowds and to the bathroom. Once we were inside, I turned to face her.

"What's this fun little bathroom trip about?" She smiled up at me and I returned it, leaning down and planting my lips on hers and then moved down to her neck.

"I haven't seen you in so long, I figured a little alone time would be nice," I spoke into her skin, and she chuckled.

"We saw each other earlier, weirdo," she retorted and I pulled away, keeping our fingers interlocked.

"Still too long," I countered, "what are you supposed to be?"

"Sexy tinker bell... but I don't think I got the sexy part down right," she looked in the mirror at herself with an amused expression.

"Beg to differ," I responded and she laughed up at me.

"What are you supposed to be?" She asked.

"A prisoner.. and I know, it's lame," I answered, "I just had it left over from last year, so."

"Here," she took her hands out of mine and unbuttoned the top few buttons of my grey jumpsuit, leaving it open down to about half way down my chest. "Now do that attractive sleeve roll thing," she told me, and I chuckled, following her instructions and rolling up my sleeves.

"There you go, a little better," she told me. "You should have let me make you into Peter Pan for tonight."

"And wear tights?? No thanks."

"Tights are attractive," she replied, and I could tell she was thinking of me in tights from the way she was holding back a laugh.

"So I'm assuming that you used to throw these parties to hook up with girls... you planning on hooking up with any tonight?" She teased.

"Even though that's not true," I shot her a little glare, "there is this one girl I kinda like." I smirked down at her, wrapping my hands around her waist and walking in a bit closer.

"Careful, prisoner. Disorderly conduct might add some years to your jail time," she flirted, her arms snaking around my neck.

"If you're there I don't particularly care," I replied and she closed the space between us again, her hands moving up to my hair.

When we pulled away, she reached up and wiped some of her lipstick off of me with her classic, beautiful smile.

"I'm so lucky I get to kiss you," she said, grinning.

"I'm luckier."

"True," she replied and opened the door, walking out. I admired her as she walked, chuckling to myself.

The night went actually pretty well.. well for my parties, that is.

Kevin had gotten info a fight with someone he kept calling a 'racist fuck'. Apparently the guy had made a comment about Ali, and it was his mistake to make it loud enough for Kevin to hear. Obviously, after I let Kevin beat him up, I kicked the scumbag out and then the party returned to normal as of nothing had happened.

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