Get to know Nicole Nwosu!

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In celebration of publishing The Bad Boy and the Tomboy we interviewed the author Nicole Nwosu! You can buy your copy today wherever books are sold.

Who is your OTP?

My OTP are Luke and Lorelai from Gilmore Girls and Bellamy and Clarke from the 100.

What is your favourite book?

I would say at the moment it is Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Mass but of all time? My nostalgic heart is forever going to be with the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan.

What TV show are you currently obsessed with right now?

I am currently obsessed with One Tree Hill. I've been binge watching it for a few weeks but when I finish it, I will be obsessed with Gilmore Girls for the hundredth time.

What is one app you would not be able to go without using even for just one day?

Twitter. It's the first thing I check in the morning. It's honestly an addiction.

Where is your happy place?

My bedroom. The books, the bed, the wifi, my laptop, the peace, the sanity, and tranquility just being in my room? I mean, what more can I ask for?

Can you describe your perfect writing area?

I will be dramatic as I describe this. So my perfect writing area would include me sitting on a nice black couch- not leather but soft fabric, ya know? There would be a window in front of me and it'd show anything and everything to do with Fall. For instance the trees turning different colours or leaves falling, pumpkins, people walking in their hats and coats. I'm the most inspired by everything around me during Fall (best season just saying). I'd have music in the background as I write but it'd be low volume and the genres playing would be indie, hiphop, and throwback music.

What motivates you to work hard?

When I'm surrounded by ambitious people. Their drive prompts me to want that mindset and enables me to work hard for the goals that I want to achieve for the future.

What makes you laugh the most?

Everything. I find humor in almost everything. For instance, I could be in a room with people and it will be quiet because no one knows what to say and I'll start laughing at how awkward everyone is.

What is your favourite animal?

Probably fish because there's so many different types.

What are your hobbies?

I like playing sports, specifically soccer and volleyball.

How would your friends describe you?

Loud and randomly energetic. They would probably say I am the loudest person in a room and I have the tendency to have spontaneous bursts of energy. For example, I will be really tired or calm one second and then I get super excited and restless out of nowhere .

What is the tallest building you've been to the top in?

The CN Tower in Toronto, Canada. It's super high.

Is your glass half full or half empty?

I'm not going to lie, it's usually half full but sometimes I have days where I consider my glass half empty.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I am an extrovert who just loves staying at home when I can.

What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

Christmas. The music? The snow? The excitement and presents? I love it.

What are your pet peeves?

People who chew with their mouths open. Please don't do that around me haha.

What is your ideal way to spend a weekend?

My ideal way to spend a weekend is at a park with my friends or walking through downtown Toronto for a whole day because there's a lot to explore. I would usually end off my weekends by reading or watching a show at home.

Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

I'm currently writing a story on Wattpad called There She Goes. It is a new adult college/university romance. 

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