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chapter 030 narrative !

" we missed you bud !"

Blossom laughed at a joke Cooper made.

The amount of people became lesser
than before as they left .

" Hey ,anyone seen Vinnie ?"
Kio asked around , everyone shook
their heads

Blossoms eyes widened ,

" his here ?!" She whispered to
Cooper who nodded his head .

Cooper stands up , " lets go get
some air" he said , the girl followed
behind him as they walked outside .

the two heard sounds , they decided
to take a look .

" if i die tonight , at least
im dying with you" Blossom
laughed at her words

Cooper stopped in his tracks ,
he tried to prevent blossom from
seeing whatever it was by asking her
to turn around and walk back inside
but it was too late .

The girl looked at the other two sitting down
and their lips connected .

" What the fuck was that?" he pushed
her away , he looked at the direction
she was looking at .

Blossom .

The girl turned around and walked
away , Vinnie gets up and chased after her —
grabbing onto her wrist gently preventing her
from walking away .

" just let me go" she pleaded

Vinnie didn't listen , " blossom."

" just listen to me please."

" for what vinnie ? we arent even
together , we arent even a thing for goodness
sake !" she raised her voice slightly trying
getting out of his grip .

He lets go slowly , " then why are you
acting like this !"

" because i thought that if i took
a little escape from you and from
everything i'd get better when i come
back and I wouldnt have to see you !
but no , the first thing i see is you
kissing the same girl that broke us
up !" she yelled .

Vinnie hides his face in his hand
frustratedly .

" She just kissed me okay !"

" and you're the one thats talking ?
you literally went to London to find
a boyfriend." He adds

She chuckled , " excuse me ? Louis
and I are JUST friends just like
you and emily." she emphasised
on the word ' just' , she took
a deep breath .

" why are we being like this ?"
he asked

He takes a step closer to her and
held onto her hand , " blossom ,
im sorry okay ? But why cant
you see that the only person I
want to be with is you?" he
looked into her eyes .

She kept quiet not knowing
what to say .

" I want to be with you
when you're having the worse
day of your life , i wanna be with you
when you feel like the happiest person
on earth , when you get bad cramps ,
when you need someone to talk to ,
i wanna be with you even when you
dont want me to be . Blossom , I know
i've already witnessed you go through
some of the lowest and highest points
in life but , I wanna continue doing that
and not just as your best friend but as
your boyfriend and I wanna do weird
cheesy couple things with you , i wanna
hold your hand and I wanna protect you ,
I want to wake up next to you every morning
and just to see you everyday and not get
sick and tired of it because I'm madly
in love with you and you give me this
butterfly feeling that I still don't understand
but i'm certain that i like you like really ,
i am crazy for you so why can't you see
that you're the one i wanna be with ?"
He gave her his award winning smile as
he caressed his thumb on the back of her
hands .

She looked down , " i hate you Vincent,"
she jokingly pushed his shoulder .

Their lips slowly connect , their lips
fitting perfectly together .

they slowly pull away , she looks at

" and we can watch harry potter
together and I can talk about how
hot draco and oliver are ?" She
smiled from ear to ear , he nods
his head.

He wraps his arms around her
waist , " Blossom Elle Devora ,
will you be my girl friend ?" he
flashed a cheeky smile after asking .

" Of course Cole" she wrapped
her arms around his neck .

A/N :

i love emily but like idk ..

s/o to the people who gave me
ideas ! credits to them <3
thank you sm .

this chapter was inspired by
-FENDIWRLD 's idea !!

i hope y'all enjoy okay yay .

𝑩𝑼𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑭𝑳𝒀 𝑬𝑭𝑭𝑬𝑪𝑻 - VINNIE HKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat