13 - Coming Out

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That weekend with Daniel was amazing. Declaration of love and crazy wild sex, what else does a man want? Well, in retrospect, a little bit of rest would not have been a bad idea. By Sunday afternoon, we were both limping. Yes, the sex was that amazing. We fucked without any inhibitions, and I absolutely loved it.

It was time for me to go back to Dallas, but I decided to go home instead. On Sunday evening, I took a flight to San Angelo. I wanted to tell my parents everything right away.

When I got home, Mom and Dad were sitting in the living room, watching something on Netflix over a glass of wine. Mom being Mom, instantly figured out that I had something to tell them. I poured myself a glass of wine and sat down with them. I told them everything from Daniel's wedding to our recent weekend together, about his feelings and mine, about Veronica and her pregnancy. I told them that Daniel and I were now in a relationship.

They surprisingly took it very well. My parents had no problem with me being with another man, and Daniel being that man only made them happier. Mom said that she always had suspicions about my fondness of Daniel. The fact that she saw something that I didn't even know existed bedazzled me. It's true what they say, 'mom knows everything.' I spent the night at home and took a flight back to Dallas the next morning.

Daniel told his parents everything over the phone, and they were okay with it. They had their reservations about me being straight and all and also about being his best friend. But he assured them that everything will be alright.

Daniel invited everyone to Vegas for the next weekend, and they all agreed. He booked rooms for them in his casino and paid for them as well. He had an employee discount, so it wasn't that much. Charles and Ronald were sharing a room, and Angelica had one all to herself.

The rest of the week was the same as usual, work and talking to Daniel. I just couldn't get enough of him. I had never felt so happy in my entire life. His mere voice was enough to calm me down. Apparently, it had been like that forever. I was just dumb enough to not realize it.

Everyone was supposed to land in Vegas on Friday evening, check into their rooms, freshen up, and then meet in the casino at eight. I was the first one to land and directly went to Daniel's place. Since we had time, you can guess what we did.

After doing dirty deeds, we showered and got ready to meet everyone at the casino. I wore his black jeans and a denim shirt with boots. That was the best thing about visiting him, I never had to carry clothes. He wore brown chinos and a green sweater with loafers. He had his hairs messy and stubble styled. He looked so good, it took all I had to stop myself from bending him over.

At half-past seven, we left for the casino. We were the first ones there. We got a table near the bar and sat on the opposite ends so that we could behave ourselves. A few minutes after eight, the three devils walked in.

Angelica looked gorgeous in the black dress that she was wearing. It complemented her black hair and pale skin. The dark color made her green eyes pop.

Ronald was a redhead with gray eyes. He had a tall and chubby body. He was dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt. He looked somewhat like Hopper from Stranger Things.

Charles was a biracial man. His mother was blonde, and his father was African-American. Hence, he had the perfect light brown skin with afro hairs and brown eyes. He was super skinny growing up, but now he had a great body. The black suit he wore clearly showed it. It hugged his body like a second skin. It was weird how I was now noticing a lot of tiny details about men.

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