Chapter 1 - Revival

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A.N.: Hey everyone! This is the true beginning of my fanfiction. I wanted to prevent you that I was french; my english level maybe need to be improve!

Until the story will reach the chapter 8 (which is already written), the chapters will come very fast (about 1 or 2 chapters per week). But after, it might take more time from me to publish here (1 chapter every two weeks). You all know how school can be tiring right ?

I also want to warn you that I don't accept plagiarism; I got tired for writing this, it's not so that someone can come and steal my story easily. Also, if any of you see a story similar to mine, please let me know. If I find it, I will report it.

Thanks for reading my story! Don't forget to like, comment and maybe share if you appreciated!

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"On this day is held an important event: The execution of the ex-second princess, Athanasia de Alger Obelia. Her crime: to have attempted on the life of the crown princess, her Imperial Highness, Jeanette de Alger Obelia here present."

The young blond girl with her frail hands tied climbed on the stage which was going to lead her to a long and painful death. When she saw the rope suspended on a wooden bar, she understood. 'I was going to be hanged...' she thought. She had cried so much in the dungeons that she had no tears now.

When she reached the top, she turned to the courtyard where she could see all the nobles and their demeaning and disdainful looks.

'How did she dare to attack Her Highness?'

'Our princess was so kind to her...'

'How ungrateful! Her mother wasn't even of noble blood, obviously.'

'Wasn't she that dancer from a neighboring country? I heard that they were barbarians there...'

'As they say, like mother like daughter.'

Over and over again, they found a way to belittle her, but Athanasia was used to it, no one had really tried to understand her. It didn't hurt her that much anymore.

"Lady, over here." The executioner adjusted the rope before putting it around her neck.

Then she climbed onto the little stool, short of breath. She was now facing Claude and Jeanette, sitting a little further on the terrace of a building. Claude was the same as usual, with an expressionless face. He didn't care, she was not his daughter and it had never been, at least, in his eyes. Jeanette, on the other hand, found it hard to look Athanasia in the face. She didn't want her to die like that, yet the fact that she had poisoned her meant everything to her.

Athanasia didn't see her as a sister.

'Maybe from the beginning Athanasia was jealous? Yes, that's probably why she tried to evict me, she wanted to have the title of heiress for sure...' Saying this to herself, Jeanette found all kinds of excuses not to have to help Athanasia, and not to feel guilty and pity for her.

Athanasia asked herself all sorts of questions during her last moments. She knew she was innocent, yet she was no longer trying to defend herself. It wouldn't do any good anyway; no one would want to listen to her. Maybe if the investigation had taken longer, the truth would have come out. But Claude did not wait for that day to have her executed. He just wanted to see her dead once and for all.

Still, the whole thing was stupid! Athanasia may have been a princess of title, but no one had ever seen her as such. Moreover, she was extremely shy and didn't have much self-confidence, so how could she have the courage to go after Jeanette, and how could she have found the poison in question? It's not as if anyone would have helped her go after the beautiful Jeanette! Then it would have been easy to prove her innocence. Only, no one wanted to know, whether she was innocent or not wasn't their problem. She had to die to satisfy them. They would surely all be celebrating tonight. But she wouldn't be there anymore to do so.

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