SEVEN: Tomas' Dead

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(23rd May, 2011)

"Huntress, need you again." Daryl's voice called after about thirty minutes, I grabbed everything I needed, Carl opened the gate for me and I joined the others with my bow already raised. "What's the plan?" I question as I come into their view, "should've added little miss feisty to the deal, haven't seen a pussy in a longtime" the leader licked his lips as he looked at me as if I was the most delicious food that ever existed, "last man that tried that ate a bullet before he got five feet near me." I sneered at him as I looked up at Rick to explain the deal.

"We get half of the food in the cafeteria, in exchange, we clear a cell block for them." I nod, "they can't do it themselves?" I question, T-Dog shook his head no, I smile, "well jailbirds, welcome to Surviving the End of the World 101." I smirk as I point to the leader of the prisoners, "you lead the way." He does what he's told, the other prisoners following him, then Rick and T-Dog, me and Daryl were last. Daryl told me everyone's nickname in a whisper, I smiled and nodded.

We walked in silence as we were led into the cafeteria, "pantry's back here," the prisoner spoke, "never tried to break outta here?" T-Dog questioned them, "we tried to take the doors off, but make one peep in here, then those freaks would be lined up outside the door, growling tryna get in..." I tuned out of the conversation as I closed the door and put a stack of chairs against it, "what are you doing?" the blonde prisoner asks me, "making sure nothing sneaks up on us." Rick nodded at me as I jiggled the door making sure my barrier was a good one.

"Where did you get the nickname?" The shortest black dude asked me, "took down 500 walkers in the span of three hours." I shrugged, "all of them shot in the left eye." T-Dog adds, the group looked at the me in disbelief. "Why threaten to take my right eye out?" the leader questioned, "left eye takes away the pain from the dead, right eye takes away the happiness of the living." I informed them, just before pointing towards the pantry, "shall we?" I questioned. I followed the prisoners, Daryl and Rick to the pantry, T-Dog watches the door for extra security.

I filled my bag up with food, lots of cans and when I went to pick it up the small black man slapped my hand away, I quickly drew my knife on him, placed it on his throat. "You won't get another warning, touch me again and I'll drive this knife through you." He gulped and nodded his head furiously. I tucked away my knife and picked up my bag strapping it to my back, Daryl handed me back my bow and we head out to bring the food back to the others. "I'll stay here, make sure they won't try anything." Daryl planned, I look around, "Atlanta, you two. I can carry those," he nodded passing me the bags, I follow T-Dog back to the Cell block. "Food's here." T-Dog chimed, so that Carl would open the gate, Noel rushed to my side to take on of the bags of corn. "It's ok bud, I've got it. You just keep Naomi safe for me." Noel nodded and disappeared into my cell.

We dropped the stuff into the furthest cell, and made our way back to the canteen, the place was too quiet. I raised my bow, arrow ready as we entered the cafeteria, I sighed as I saw Rick and Daryl aiming at the prisoners, who sat on the ground waiting for us to return. "You stay with Bowman next time, I want to check in on the doc." I nodded, "Cowboy's maning the door." I inform him, Rick smiled and nodded, I hand Rick my bag for him to refill with food. Daryl and I watched as T-Dog and Rick gathered more food before they left.

"I still don't like the way he's looking at me." I whisper to Daryl as the leader's eyes scan me, "seriously, I'm tempted to take him out now." I mumbled as Daryl told me that we have to make sure we have a valid reason to kill him, I rolled my eyes. "Is she your kid Bowman?" The leader questioned, Daryl shook his head no, "did you teach her how to use the bow?" the small black man questioned, "no, we found her a month ago, she saved our lives. She's a self-taught surviver." They nodded accepting Daryl's answers, "just cuz she ain't mine, don't mean I won't put you down if you touch her." Daryl concludes just before Rick and T-Dog arrives.

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