(1) MALACHI: JUNE 2ND, 2020

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It took Malachi five seconds too long to realize he'd just been hit in the face.

He was zoning out, so truthfully, it was his own fault. But that didn't stop him from getting annoyed at a cackling Leo, as well as Enzo who stood at his side. Malachi wondered why he was friends with them for a brief moment.

"Shit," he cursed, rubbing his cheek, grimacing at the aching and stinging. The assholes had thrown a frisbee at him — what the fuck did he look like to them? A dog?

"I told you to catch it, dumbass!" Leo called out, finally sobering up from his laughter and making his way over. Enzo followed suit, but he was still laughing like a damn hyena.

Malachi glared, swatting at Leo when he tried to help him stand up from where he sat in the grass. "Do I look like I was paying attention?" he complained, getting to his feet on his own. "God, you suck. Go away."

"Aw, is wittle Malachi angwy?" Leo cooed, going to pinch his sore cheek, but Malachi jerked back. "Bro, it can't hurt that bad. I didn't even throw it hard."

"It still hurts!"

"Such a baby," Leo drawled, then wrapped an arm around Malachi's shoulders, guiding him back to his house. "Come on. Enzo, you got any ice packs for the princess?"

Enzo nodded, walking ahead of them. "I sure do, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, kind and humble servant. Will you rub my feet for me next?"

"Only if I can suck them afterward, sir."

"Oh my God," Malachi whispered. "You two are disgusting. Stop making gross jokes like that."

Leo ruffled his hair. "Stop being such a loser," he groaned. "Have a sense of humor!"

"I do have a sense of humor," Malachi insisted. "It's just not filled with sexual innuendos and - and weird shit."

"Whatever. Come on, let's go fix the princess's boo-boo."

Again, Malachi wondered why he was friends with Leo and Enzo. He seemed to have that thought at least three times a week, and it would be more often now that summer had started and they were planning a roadtrip.

They'd actually been planning the roadtrip for years now. The three of them — well, mainly Malachi — had a list and a map they'd filled out over the years to lead up to the day they set off on their month long journey.

That day was a week away.

Malachi was excited, but also nervous. He was never one to go on many trips in his family, and his parents didn't like leaving him alone that often, but they agreed to let him and his two best friends go on the trip since their high school years were now over. They were adults now, his parents said. They should be able to off on their own like one.

While he was grateful, Malachi wished they put up more of a fight. Because despite planning like mad and wanting to be with his annoying duo, Malachi was afraid of growing up. And doing this meant he was starting his path to becoming one.

It was terrifying.

"Ow," Malachi hissed when Enzo wiped at the cut on his cheek. The edges of the frisbee were frayed from years of use, so it easily sliced a cut into his skin. The ointment being put on stung like hell. "Ow! Enzo, stop!"

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