Chapter 9

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Nathan wakes up to the smell of coffee. The room is bright and sunny when he opens his eyes, and he shields his eyes with his hand to avoid getting blinded. His gaze is instantly drawn to the couch, where Jonathan is still asleep.

Even in his sleep, Jonathan's face is scrunched into a small frown. He begins to stir when Nathan climbs out of the armchair and peers his eyes open to look at him. "Oh my God," Jonathan sighs, closing his eyes again. "I fell asleep. I actually fell asleep." It sounds more like he's talking to himself than anyone else. "What time is it?" he asks when Nathan turns to him.

"Early?" Nathan rubs a hand over his neck. Sleeping in the armchair had been a very bad idea. He squints at the clock on the wall. "Just past eight."

"I shouldn't have fallen asleep." Jonathan pushes the blanket aside and gets up. "I need to pick mom up before eleven," he says, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "And I need to go and pick her bag up at home before that."

Nathan shakes his head. "I'll give you a ride, don't worry about it. You'll be on time."

"You can't keep driving me around?" Jonathan says.


Jonathan doesn't have an answer and shrugs his shoulders. With that lack of other things to do, they head into the kitchen to have breakfast.

Jennie is already there, making herself a cup of coffee when the two boys wander into the kitchen. She glances over her shoulder at them before turning back to her cup and the milk she's foaming. "Good morning," she says.

"Morning," Nathan mumbles and heads towards the fridge.

"Good morning," Jonathan says, lingering in the doorway.

Jennie finishes her task and turns to him with a smile. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Jennie." Her smile widens. "We're not really morning persons in this house, but please make yourself at home."

"Thanks. I'm Jonathan, by the way."

The woman smiles at them both. "There's water in the kettle, and if you drink coffee, like Nathan, then he can show you how the coffee machine works," she says as she picks up her cup. "Could you get the dishwasher started when you've finished, Nathan?"

"Sure," Nathan says as Jennie wanders out of the kitchen and disappears up the stairs. He opens the fridge to have a look inside. "What do you want?"

"I'll settle with cereal or something if you have it." Jonathan takes a seat by the kitchen island, settling on one of the barstools.

Nathan picks a carton of milk from the fridge and places it in front of Jonathan before checking the cupboard by the sink. "These okay?" he asks, pulling a half-full carton of cereal from behind a jar of dried fruit.

"They're perfect." Jonathan extends a hand and takes the package when Nathan offers it. "Thanks."

They have breakfast together. Jonathan does not drink coffee but seems to like the smell, which he mentions almost every time Nathan has a sip. "I can make you a cup if you want one," Nathan says the fourth time Jonathan comments on the smell.

The blond grimaces, "Ew, no. I hate the taste."

Nathan chuckles and looks up when Jennie comes back with some dishes. "Hey, Jennie. Could you tell dad to come down when he's ready? I gotta ask him about-" His words and his smile fades when Jennie frowns at him.

"Sweetheart," she says. "Aaron left earlier this morning. There was some trouble, and he had to leave on his trip early." She looks at him for a moment as if she doesn't know what else to say.

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