Chapter -29

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Xavier's POV-

I still could not believe what had happened at her place. I was on cloud nine. I didn't realize when I reached my house. I entered in with a big smile on my face.

My mom and dad were sitting in the hall. I suddenly felt that the atmosphere there was gloomy.

My mom saw me first. "Where were you? Were you with Anna? How is she? Does her uncle-aunt still harassing her?" I looked worried like she was expecting that Anna's family could harm her physically or something.

"She is fine mom. Why are you freaking out? What had happened?" I asked them.

"Dad?" I looked at my dad. David came out of the kitchen with three mugs of coffee I guessed.

"Xav, you come and sit down. Uncle has something to tell you but you have to let him complete it first. Okay?" David said calming me down.

"What the hell is going on guys? You are scaring me now?" I said as I sat on the sofa in front of them. I looked intendedly at my dad.

"Son, as you know, I have been regularly meeting with the shareholders of Anna's company. To find out what her uncle-aunt is planning. In between that, I heard some rumors about her parent's death. Those were just rumors so to find out the truth, I had this matter investigated. And it seems to be true. They do have hands in her parent's death." My dad told me this shocking news, no strange mom was so worried about it.

Anna doesn't know about it. She will break if she found out this.

There is a photo of Anna's uncle meeting a man and giving him money. He was a truck driver." Dad said. It was too much to take in.

"Anna's parents died in a hit and run car accident. They were hit by a truck. The driver is still missing, but there was no police report of that case. They didn't even try to find out the driver or get him arrested." My mom was still a little freaked out from all this information.

I don't know what to do?  What to tell her? Should I leave this matter? There will be no use but still, she deserves to know the truth about her parent's murder.

"Xav, her birthday is within a week. We should be careful. Because if they had done this before, they can do it again. You know what I mean." David said.

I, my mom-dad both, we all straighten up after hearing that. What David said, that could be possible. Anna's uncle-aunt are awful people. We can not ignore this fact.

"Bring that child to our home." Mom said. She was all ready to take her under her protective wings.

"Darling, that will alert them. They will use their full strength to hurt her." My dad tried to make mom understand.

"Yes, mom. I can not make her stay here without any reason. She is still under their care and I don't want Anna to know about any of this until we find out a way to clear this whole situation." I said.

"She is turning 18, and she has changed from what she used to be. They will surely try to harm her because they know that now Anna will not get under their pressure. We have to be very cautious from now on." David said.

"We can't be with her for 24 hours," I said thinking of a way out of that.

"It's exactly 4 days from her birthday. Why don't you take her on a trip? At least two days will be passed. We will see afterward." David suggested.

My mom and dad agreed with the idea.

Which parents in this world will be this open-minded to let their young son go on a trip with a girl alone? Only mine.

Mr Possessive ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن