The return of the gods of death 1

140 8 3

In Wayne Mansion

Pov Diana

My love Bruce and I were in Bat Cave. We have received several warnings in a row for several robberies in Gotham City for a series of gem theft.

I said, "So Bruce, what's the loot?" I looked at my fiance seriously

"It's a collection of old jewelry," he said seriously “It was stolen from the Gotham Museum today,” he said

Turn on the Bat Computer "The first jewel was stolen from a Gotham rich at a party I held a week ago."

As Bruce opens the picture in the form of the jewel, Bruce said, "Where the owner of the jewel declared in the investigations that he is the jewel is an old piece of his original family heritage." He explained some details

He turned on the bat's computer on the image of the place and the origins of the jewel.

"He found her on one of his trips to the Greeks when he was a grandmother at a young age. According to what he said, he was an explorer who brought him to a place in the forests of the Greeks, Rome."

"And when he was lost in its forests and was cut off immediately, and remained like that for a whole week, and after that he was out of food for himself, he was on the verge of death, but he heard a voice calling for a name, he went there, going to the sound, and reached a cave in the middle of the forest where he was found. The jewel, and then he fainted and found himself in the hospital, holding the jewel in his arm.

I said, "This is strange. What is this gem." I wondered about the story. "I've heard something like this before."

"Really, my beautiful fiancée has to be a very long life," he said.

I said "ah right baby" click on the computer and read the history of the jewel

"It is a jewel from Scandinavia of unknown origin and a lot is discussed that there are many myths around it, as they say this red sapphire jewel can control dead souls, but the family of the owner of this jewel, especially Mr. Markons, the last master of the jewel that was stolen has been denied A week ago "

I said, "Is that all theft?" I looked at Bruce in a bat suit.

He said, "No, but there are two others."

He said, “There are two other gems, the blue jade stone and the yellow diamond.” He made a report on the jewel

"The cyan blue jade jewel belonged to a person named [Ted Wilson], the old owner, who donated it for an unknown reason to the museum, as he had been suffering in his company that was on the verge of collapse and the strange thing in his case, that he had given it for nothing to the museum "

I say, "Bruce, and what is the matter that he gave her, perhaps a generous mentor?" It was a strange idea.

He said, "Diana is not a cheap jewel, as it is very expensive."

"Continue., Since Mr. Ted disappeared for two years from view and then donated the jewel to the museum, where it is said that the origins of this jewel are Egypt. Some Egyptian tribes had a legendary story about one of the kings of Egypt, where it happened that Ted was going on a mission. Excavations in the area of ​​the kings in Egypt, and when they were on the way, a sandstorm cut them off, which destroyed everyone in the expedition, but Ted, and fell in one of the ancient tombs, and he saw the tomb of a strange king where he removed the cover and found the jewel under the hands of the mummy and took it and returned to Gotham

I said, "This is strange, Ahhhh." You yawned. We were at work for two consecutive days without sleep. I started to feel really tired.

Diana said, "If you get tired, go to sleep and catch you." He told his fiancée, knowing that he was tired too

I said, "No, let's finish first."

He said, "Well, what is strange about the third jewel in which the diamond is yellow and has no origin?" He told me.“When the museum’s construction was completed, it was found in the glass, and no one knew how it came” he looked at his fiancée who slept on the chair"

He said, "Diana's enough for today. Let's go to bed."

I said, "Okay, bruce.Ahhhh"I yawned while he woke me up and we got up. I was really tired and put my head on a shoulder and walked into the bedroom

Pov bruce

I was afraid for Diana, and I found a strange connection, and if I found it right, we would be in danger.I got out of bed when I made sure Diana was asleep, she was beautiful and she was asleep, and went out of the room

I took out my phone and called Zetana,

I said hello

She said hello to Bruce, Ahh,
"yawning"What do you want this time?

I just want you to craft a shield around Diana

She says why "focused" what will happen

I say I'm not sure yet, but if it happened, I wouldn't ...

She says no need, Bruce. Well,"tel mih ekam eht dleihs " Come on, I'm done Goodnight Bruce

I said good bye, and hung up

Pov Xxx

We see a person in a strange deserted palace, in reality it looks like an old castle, we look where there is a strange sound, we see a person’s shadow in the shadows and a stupid laugh.

He says, "Finally and at last after all these years I finally took it." We see Felix Faust holding a necklace with the three jewels "and finally the jewels of death came together."

He says, "Today I will regain my true form. No more bodies of artists and more hunger or thirst" to hold the knot and he explains where he feels hungry and holds a piece of pizza and eats

He says, "The only thing left is to take possession of the body of a goddess and go back." He puts the necklace where we see it fly and becomes transparent.

He says "I needed the wonderwoman's body"He flies in the sky and flies outside the permit


*thanks for that comment @lolapayola

And I And I will wait for the amazing plot of Wonder_Al

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