23. power trio

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warning: mentions of abuse.



best boy milo😾✨ -

best boy milo😾✨ -
im not coming to skl todya i think im gonna get a migraine :(

best boy milo😾✨ -
whew definitely have a migraine am throwing up rn wheeee!!!!!

milo's bestest friend jude😔 -
aw man 💔 sending my luv to uuu. take my forehead kisses. want me to come over after school?? and pick lia up after her drama shit?? she misses me i know it😌

best boy milo😾✨ -
thank u :o and she lit rally can't stanf u jdue u annoy her sm🙄 but yes pls !! gn now :3

Milo had sent those messages to Jude in the span of two hours, from four to six in the morning, when he'd woken up with a piercing pain in his skull, one that left him sprawled out in the bathroom, puking his guts up for over three hours.

It was currently two o'clock in the afternoon, which meant that his friends were in their last period in school. It also meant that Jude would come over. It was slightly pathetic that the only thing that was keeping him sane was the thought of Jude coming over.

Huffing, Milo closed his eyes, throwing an arm over his eyes as he tried to quell his rising nausea. No one was home, something that Milo typically wouldn't have given a shit about, but he always got a little clingy during his migraines, so he was really fucking sad. Whiny, too. And he had no one to complain to. I want Jude.

Surprisingly, Milo hadn't told Jude about the whole kiss thing yet. He had a bad habit of not being able to keep his mouth shut and keep anything a secret, so it was shocking that he'd managed to do it for three days now.

But then again, Xen wasn't out to anyone else in the group, at least not as far as Milo knew, so he didn't want to end up outing him by telling Jude.

Switching his position around, Milo laid flat on his stomach, checking his phone to see if Xen had replied to any of his messages. He'd texted him the same time he messaged Jude, but he hadn't received a reply yet.

milo🐁🖕🏼 -
xenxenxenxenxnenndnenenn you're favourite person ever has a migrain

milo🐁🖕🏼 -
**migraine sry

milo🐁🖕🏼 -
**ur !! idk english sry (i still dunno the righr one if u can't tell)🥰

But honestly, Milo wasn't too worried about Xen not replying, because Evangeline had sent him a selfie of the two of them in Physics, and Xen looked fine. More than fine, actually. A wide smile was present on his face, eyes crinkling up at the corners. Evangeline had captioned it with: 'Xen said he misses your— and I quote— "cute fucking face". Wild.'

Milo sniffed, placing a pillow on top of his head as he laid his forehead on his arm, doing everything in his power to not throw up again.

Half an hour passed by with Milo constantly shifting his position, glancing at the clock, or whimpering in pain, when finally, he heard the door to his room clicked open. Sweet relief.

"Moore, I swear to fuck, I'm going to push you down the fucking stairs if you don't stop with the bi jokes."

Raising his head up from under his comforter, Milo blinked his eyes repeatedly, waiting for them to adjust to the light, before his face broke into a grin. A painful grin, but a grin, nevertheless. "Xen!"

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