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Laken sat on a chair that was brought by one of his minions. He sat in the narrow hallway between Micah and Elias' parallel cells. He was facing Elias and Daisy, a sinister grin on his face, and a shiny silver gun in his hand.

Micah was trying to rattle the bars of his cell, he was the only one that wasn't chained. But the bars, as Daisy had guessed, were made of reinforced steel laced with wolfsbane, and they wouldn't even budge despite Micah's supernatural strength.

Elias looked at his mate desperately trying to get free. His heart ached as he noticed Micah's palms were starting to get red, no doubt the wolfsbane was burning him but he wouldn't stop. His own limbs had given up, and his body was numb to the pain now.

"Go sit in the corner, mutt. You can't break out of these cells." Laken said and Micah growled. He tried to shake the bars again, but eventually gave up and punched the wall instead. His knuckles were bleeding, they would take longer to heal but he couldn't care less.

"Micah.. please.. I can't see you hurt." Elias whispered, but it was loud enough for Micah to hear. Micah nodded, and sat down, leaning against the wall as he stared at Elias with watery eyes.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," Laken chuckled, looking at Daisy, "You always managed to slip right through my fingers, but there's no escaping this time."

"How did you-" Daisy coughed, "How did you find out about Elias?"

"Ah, your son. You did a good job hiding him, I have to say. I honestly didn't even know he existed till a few weeks ago." Laken smiled.

"Then how?" Daisy asked again.

"I was trying to track you down, had to snoop to your level and hired a witch," Laken scoffed, "He couldn't find you, but his tracking spell found him, instead. He is after all, your own blood."

"You don't need him," Daisy begged, "You only need one white wolf for the ritual. So take me, just not him. Please."

"What makes you think I will listen to anything that you have to say?" Laken yelled, getting up and walking closer to Daisy and Elias' cell, "You don't have the privilege of making demands, sweetheart."

"Please-" Daisy was cut off by Laken.

"Why are you even begging? Even if I use you for the ritual, it's not like he'll have long after that." Laken said.

"What- what do you mean?" Elias asked, confused.

"Do you want to answer that or should I?" Laken smirked, looking at Daisy.

"The original spell that created werewolves.. it tied their human souls with that of their inner wolf. We're part human, part wolf, two halves that are intertwined completely.." Daisy sighed.

"No werewolf would be able to survive if their wolf part was to die." Micah finished for her and she nodded.

"But maybe you can," Daisy looked at Elias with hopeful eyes, "You've just turned and you aren't as connected to your wolf. There's a chance.. there's a chance you can survive if you were to turn back human."

"But his lovely mate wouldn't," Laken said, "My sources tell me they've already marked each other. He may survive losing his wolf but he definitely won't be able to live if he lost his soulmate."

"You're evil!" Elias spat, looking at Laken with hatred he didn't even know he could ever have.

"Me? I'm the evil one?" Laken scoffed, "I'm just trying to rid the world of abominations like you!"

"By committing mass murder?" Elias looked at him in disbelief.

"That's just collateral damage. Sure, many will die, but atleast that will be end of you animals." Laken replied.

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