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I stare at the bundle of sticks before me, imagining them lighting up, bursting into flame.

At first nothing happens, no matter how much I concentrate. I have no overwhelming sense of emotions to fuel me, yet I still focus every ounce of my being into creating that power, knowing I can't rely on fear or anger to create the fire again.

Suddenly, the sticks catch on fire, a blaze alighting magnificently up into the air, hints of smoke trailing out in its wake. Relaxing the tension from my body, I step back, releasing a sigh. Glancing toward Noah, he is smiling at me, that glimmer of surprise and admiration hard to miss. We have been trying to perfect it since arriving in our home realm a few days ago.

"I'm very impressed," he admits, dark hair tinted red from the bright fire which eats away at the sticks we provided.

"I feel like I can do better with more practice," I admit, wishing the fire away into nothing, leaving charred sticks behind in the sand. No one else is on the beach with us as we enjoy the sunset, playing around with my powers. In this realm, having powers is rare and celebrated, but I'm still nervous about flaunting them.

"I'll find someone here who will be able to help you perfect them," Noah murmurs.

I reach out for his hand, smiling as his fingers wrap around mine. "I've decided that although we have been here for only a few weeks, I truly love this place."

"We can live here forever, you know. Make our life here," he comments carefully as we pick our way through the sand. Just above us on the cliff is the home Stace has given us in return for living here. It's beautiful, the perfect place to live.

"I'm ready for that, I think."

"I have to admit, you look beautiful when you're using your powers," Noah comments smoothly, grinning down at me. "I'm glad you will be able to protect yourself here."

"I'm sure I will manage just fine," I breathe, looking out at the ocean. The falling suns tangerine and pink colours drift along the surface of the shifting waves which lap at our feet as we walk. I've never felt so truly content, even if there is the slightest tug at the back of my mind, reminding me that I can never truly be happy.

"Of course you will."

"What do you think Stace is going to do with your Pack?" I ask him uneasily. I'm unsure if it's a touchy subject to talk about yet. It's a big decision for him to have made, and part of me feels as though he only did it for me, and that he wouldn't have otherwise. But he loves me, and would sacrifice everything for me. That I know of.

Noah sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looks out at the wide expanse of barren beach, the sound of the waves the only sound to be heard. "I'm not sure, but something tells me he isn't done with Cian."

I shiver. It seems Stace has many reasons to stay in the mortal realm instead of coming here. Namely, his mate, and Cian.

"I'm worried about Cian. I still haven't heard from him," I admit. "Who knows what he is doing."

It's only been a few weeks yet I'm still concerned. I doubt he will contact me for a very long time, but perhaps that is a good thing. I need to focus on my life here with Noah now, not on what could have been if I had chosen Cian...

"It seems likely that Stace will continue to have his way with Cian. There are a few more of us there, like Cian and the rest of the Sin's are a threat to," Noah reminds me. Of course, I forget Cian hates our kind, and if I were not his mate, he would have killed me. Perhaps Stace did me a favour sending me here. As soon as I rejected Cian, he could have killed me.

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