Chapter 30

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Ava's POV

"Is there anything that you'd like to tell me?" Jayden asked looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Um, no" I replied confused

"Really?" He asked again, looking unconvinced.

"We're out of milk" I stated my answer as more of a question.

"So, there's nothing that you have to tell me?" He asked once more.

"I think we're out of eggs too" I said stuffing my mouth with pancake.

"Is that all?"

"Mhm" I hummed with my mouth full of pancake.

"Alright, I'll see you later" he came over to me and peck my lips.

He placed something on the island in the kitchen and left. I looked down and saw that he left his credit card.



"Do you like it?" I asked nervously, looking at Katie's reflection in the mirror.

She walked around the chair that I occupied looking at me with squinted eyes. She would move my head every now and then to get a better look. She stepped back away from me and frowned.

Uh Oh. This wasn't good.

"I don't like it" she commented wrinkling her nose.

The once hopeful smile that adorned my face quickly vanished, replacing it with a frown.

"I LOVE IT!" she clapped happily hugging me from behind.

"You look gorgeous. Why haven't you done this sooner?" She complimented my hair, looking at me in awe.

"I just decided that I wanted to change my hair. I honestly didn't think that it would have looked this good" I said looking in the mirror admiring my new look.

I dyed my hair platinum blonde and cut off my once waist length hair to just a few inches below my shoulder. I was skeptical at first, scared that I wouldn't be able to pull it off, but I was glad I took the risk because it was absolutely beautiful.

"I am starving" Katie complained for the fourth time today.

She couldn't even let me enjoy my new appearance without ruining the moment.

"You're always starving" I shrugged.

"Well, if you didn't take so long to decide on a shade, we would have already left this place" she complained.

"But it was worth it though"

"It was and now, I'm hungry" she grumbled.

"OK fine. We'll get something to eat"

"Yay. Food!" she cheered excitedly.

I paid for both our hair, using Jayden's credit card of course. She got a blow out.

"What would you like to eat?" I asked as soon as we step out on the busy street.

"I don't know... Hotdogs!" her face lit up excitedly and she waddled off to the hotdog stand.

I shook my head as I walked after her. She was now five months pregnant and her stomach was huge. The doctor had warned her that the baby could come any minute now, but of course Katie didn't heed the doctor's warning.

Five months is a full term pregnancy for a werewolf. Some might give birth at even three or four months, it all depends on how fast the baby grew. The circumstances were different for Katie because she was having twins, which is why she hasn't given birth yet.

Alpha children only needed two months to fully grow in the womb. Thinking about that, I now realize that I am terrified to actually have a baby, even though I am in the process of adopting. But that was different, he was six.

"Five hotdogs for me and one for my friend" I heard Katie say to the man standing behind the hotdog stall.

After the man prepared her order, we collected our food and pay. We walked over to a bench in the park to enjoy our meal.

"Yes" Katie moaned after taking her first bite.

"That sounds so wrong" I laugh.

"Don't care, because it's just so good" she moaned again.

We received a few awkward stares from people walking by. My face heated up in embarrassment, while Katie just sat their oblivious devouring her hotdogs.

Katie leaned over to say something to me but I couldn't understand what she was saying because she had food in her mouth.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I said-" once again her voice was muffled by the food in her mouth.

"What?" I repeated scrunching up my face in confusion.

"I said, if isn't that Jayden standing over there" she pointed ahead and I followed the direction her finger was pointing in and sure enough it was Jayden.

But he wasn't alone. He was laughing with a girl. Not just any girl, a girl who looked like she modeled for a living.

From where I sat, I could see her flipping her hair ever now and then. She would also place her hand on his chest as she laughed at whatever it was that he was saying.

I'm sure it wasn't even that funny.

"What are you doing?" Katie asked when I resumed eating my hotdog.

"I'm eating?" I looked at her confused.

"So you're just going to let that bitch put her hands on your man?" she asked in disbelief raising her voice.

Again, people gave us weird looks.

"Keep your voice down" I whispered, to which she rolled her eyes.

"Fine. If it bothers you so much, we can listen in on their conversation"

"I don't know why it doesn't bother you"

"Because I trust him"

"But do you trust her?"

She had a point.

I focused my hearing on finding their conversation and when I did, I listened closely to what they were talking about, perks of being a wolf.

'Jay we haven't hooked up in a while' the girl said running a finger along his shirt covered chest. My blood boiled as I imagined breaking those manicured fingers of hers.

'What happened between us was a mistake' he replied clenching his jaw.

'You're so funny' she laughed.

'I know you miss it. I know you miss us. I bet your mate can't please you like I do. I bet she can't-' she continued.

'What can't you get through your thick skull? Whatever that happened between us was in the past and that's where it'll stay' he gritted out through clenched teeth and stormed off.

"Oh shit" Katie whispered grabbing ahold of my hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"My water broke."


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