Chapter 9-Momma's bday..

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It was weekend already on a Friday ,the end of school week...
There was someone special who is going to clock +1...
Guess who?no need to guess it is written on the name of my chapter..
It is momma,she was going to age 40 on the weekend Sunday..
Pride as a girl filled with surprises ,she pretend like she did not know that it was soon going to momma's bday she had everything planned out by mom,it was going to be a party to be thrown ,pride's mum had planned everything out ,picked the best place for the party, everything was planned unknowing to momma...

The day finally arrived,mum had called momma to the place ,calling her in a scene of emergency ,that she was in need of her,pride was already present at the party as she told a lie to Nanny that she was in Nate place,Nate was also present...

Nanny was surprised as she was welcome with happy birthday to  you, happy birthday to you, happy bday to you momma happy bday to you,nanny was so surprised ,as pride hugged her saying happy bday to you momma,I love you, Nate said the same as also hugged her,and pride mum also thanked her for been their for her family all the time...

It was a very surprising bday party as other people were also invited..
They were lot of refreshment momma was asked to go and change..
She changed and also had her make up on by a make up artist ...
She then was called to cut her cake..
She cut her cake...
And then she was asked to dance and they had a family picture and pride gave a wonderful speech to her momma.....

And the day ended marvelously, she was so grateful for all they did,to make her feel special, pride had lot of time to talk to her momma...
The day ended just fine ....

Ok,see ya in my next chapter don't forget to read ,vote and comment, give suggestion .
Thank you..
Stay safe and tuned :I remain #motivator

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