Chapter 5

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I've been doing a good job when it comes to avoiding Levi. Actually I lied I didn't have to put in much effort when it comes to avoiding him cause he's doing the same.

Levi would occasionally wave at me when we bump into each other but apart from that we never spoke again.

I don't even know why I asked Smith for help that night. After that night, he believe we are best friend and have been sticking beside me like a glue and Quinn hates him for that.

Sometime Smith doesn't understand the cue that we need space and I must admit it's my fault too as I never had the heart to tell him.

"If he shows up now I won't hold back." Quinn grumbled as soon as she sat down on the booth of the diner.

To make her feel better I've asked her to meet me at this diner this weekend.

"He doesn't know about our plans tonight." I promised her.

"I'm hungry." She said as she flipped through the menu.

"I'm ready to order if you're ready."

"Perfect. I know what I want." She said.

"So how are things with you and Levi?" She asked as soon as the server took our orders.

"Nothing has changed." I shrugged. "We're still strangers."

She pouted.

"I think you two will make a cute couple."

And I laughed at her comment.

"You always think I will make a great couple with any guy."

"Except Smith." She scrunched her nose. "He's annoying."

"I think you two could be a great couple." I said while taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh..please." She said while rolling her eyes at me. "He gets on my skin more than anything."

"You never know?" I said with a grin.

The diner's bell chimes and her attention was momentarily on the door giving me the time to check my phone for any messages from my brother.

"Look who's here." She said and I looked up to see her smirking at me. "Are you sure you two are just strangers?"

I cocked my head to one side in confusion.

"What you mean?"

"He's here." She said while her eyes was still near the door.

I peeped from the booth and saw near the door, Levi was standing with his group of friends most likely waiting for someone to help them find a seat to sit.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Quinn. "It's a random coincidence."

"Are you sure?" She wiggled her eyebrow at me and I laughed lightly.

"You think the golden boy of the school would want to hang out with me."

"Why won't he? You're beautiful and smart."

I shrugged.

"Trust me. Even the golden boy thinks that." She said.

I didn't really understand what she meant but I didn't push her for explanation either.

Halfway through dinner, I got a call from Smith. At first, I wanted to ignore his call but a part of me felt bad. He was there when I needed a favour and I want to return the favour.

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