Chapter 23

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"I'm a criminal! What if this goes on my record? What if UPenn hears about this?" More importantly, my mom is going to chop me into pieces and fry me up when she gets a hold on me.

Zack gives me a look like he's trying not to laugh. "You're not a criminal," he says. "They gave you a warning and called your parents."

"That's basically the death penalty," I mutter.

Speak of the devil, my dad's car pulls up and has barely parked when my mom storms out, my dad trailing behind her. At a mere five feet tall, my mom could probably scare a bodybuilder with the expression on her face right now. I imagine her as a raging ball of fire rolling right towards me. Zack and I stand up from the sidewalk immediately.

"Amelia, what the hell?!" my mom shouts the second she's in front of me. That's when I know how much shit I'm in. She never cusses in public. "Breaking and entering?! And what are you doing out with a boy this late?"

I bite my lip to stop from pointing out that it's barely 6:00.

"I'm sorry. I-"

"What the hell are you doing? Smoking? Drinking?" she exclaims.

"What?! No!" I say. "Mom, literally all I did was sit on the field."

She glares at me. "I don't believe you. You have a Chinese test in a couple of days and you're out here getting the police called on you like some kind of low-class criminal. You should be studying!"

I put my head down. "I'm sorry," I start to apologize again when I feel Zack grab my wrist.

"It's my fault. I asked her to come with me," he says, stepping in front of me. My eyes widen as I mentally curse at him.

My mom's focus shifts to him. "And who are you?" she asks venomously.

"Zack Darrington," he answers calmly. "I'm Amelia's... friend."

Her whole face curls up and for a second, I wonder if she's going to hit him. There's over a foot difference in height between them but my mom looks far from intimidated.

"I don't want my daughter hanging around trash like you. Kids like you...your parents raised you wrong," she sneers.

"Mom, stop it!" I protest, horrified. I can see the anger flash in Zack's eyes but he holds back from saying anything. "He didn't do anything, mom. I was the one who-"

"Amelia, stop," he warns.

"No!" I deny. "Mom, we didn't do anything wrong-"

"Don't talk back to me, young lady!" she reprimands.

I lower my tone. "Mom, I swear it won't happen again so please, let's just talk about it at home," I beg.

She turns to my dad. "Would you say something?!" she scolds.

I plead with him silently as he clears his throat. "Listen to your mother," he says. She gives him a warning look and he sighs. "Darrington." He turns to Zack. "You're benched this Friday,"

"What?!" I exclaim as Zack's face pales. "Dad, please don't do this. I'm sorry, okay? I told you it won't happen again."

"Coach, please don't bench me," Zack says in a weak voice that I've never heard before.

"We're leaving," my mom says. "Let's go, Amelia!" She sends Zack a look. "I don't want you hanging around thugs anymore."

"Mom-" I insist.


My dad grips my arm and starts to pull me away. I turn around to look at Zack as the distance widens between us. He's just staring at me.

"Amelia!" my mom warns so I speed up my steps but the moment I'm caught up, I look back again.

A/N: don't forget to vote and comment ;) I appreciate ur reads so so much!

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