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After few months


It's been eight months since I proposed Violet to marry me and six months since we both got married. Our parents were ecstatic with our decision. However being a protective brother that he is, Sam warned about killing me if I ever hurt his sister. Hurting Violet was the last thing I ever wanted.

We planned to get married as soon as possible since Violet don't want to look heavily pregnant in our wedding pictures. Violet was the prettiest bride, on our wedding day I was awestruck looking at the love of my life walking towards the alter like an angel from heaven. Life has been a bliss since our marriage, We shifted into our new house after our marriage.

Violet's pregnancy is something that we both are enjoying to the fullest. I loved the pregnancy glow in her face and her weird cravings. There was times she would wake me up in the middle of the night craving for Fried chicken, Pizzas and Chocolates. I enrolled us both in maternal exercise classes which we both attended as a couple.

Violet's mood swings were in a whole new level, One minute she would be happy and the next minute she would be bawling her eyes out because of a simple thing. The best part is that she became a vixen in bed, she would wake me up in the middle of the night to loot my hot body, which I have no complaints about.

And my little man, Archie. He was growing up fast and handsome,  his mother began to cry, breaking into sobs the other day saying that her little munchkin was growing up so fast and won't be little in few years. He began speaking few words and sentences and was eagerly waiting for his sibling. He amazes me with his energy staying awake at nights and running around the whole house refusing to eat the so called healthy food his mom prepares for him. He always makes faces and looks at me with big puppy eyes to save him from the torture. My Munchkin.

Right now I finished my work in office and is heading back to home. Ever since Violet entered her second trimester, I restricted her from going to office since she was taking a lot of stress due to presentations and deals. At first she was angry on me but later I convinced her that she can work from home. However Sam took the responsibility of handling the Martin Industries till Violet takes back the reins.

As I neared the door of our home, I can hear little feet running around. Ever since Archie began to walk properly, he was keeping Violet on her toes running all around the house with his never ending energy much to Violet's annoyance.

"Archie, slow down. Please eat the food, my cupcake." I heard Violet requesting Archie.

"Naww... " Archie giggled.

"I am home." I opened the door announcing my arrival.

As soon as Archie heard my voice, he came running towards the door jumping into my arms.

"Papa." He said hugging me by my neck and hiding his face in my crook.

"What buddy, Is your Mama trying to feed those Vegetables again? Hmm." I asked as I rocked him.

"Yes, Papa." He said still holding on to me.

"Father and Son teamed up again? " Violet's voice came as she walked into the living room holding her heavily pregnant belly.

"No, we are just discussing how sweet Mama is, right Archie?" I said grinning.

"Liar." Violet laughed walking towards us.

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