Chapter 26

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Celine stepped into her warm bath and released the tension from her body. As she washed herself, Draco told her stories from his mission. She listened with her eyes closed, allowing his voice to soothe her. She realized that his journey was quite adventurous and with multiple obstacles. Celine giggled as she slightly opened her eyes to see Draco wagging his tail in his small, dragon form. 

I'm glad he had this experience. It seems as if he had grown stronger as an individual. 

Scholars were against the idea of familiars parting with their masters, even if the distance was temporary. They believed that familiars should be completely dependent on their masters. If not, the deep connection between the partners could dwindle when the familiar experienced a taste of freedom. They might never return or be killed in the wild.

Celine had only realized this unspoken rule when Draco had left. Still, she had never really worried since Draco already possessed a lot of freedom. Celine never restrained Draco and allowed him to do anything he wanted to do. 

Her familiar seemed to love Krastia and its misty mountains. He had learned how to transform himself into a charismatic Krastian man, garnering many followers and investments. He managed to buy many estates and land in a remote area not too far from the townspeople. When Draco returned with Celine, they would be able to live comfortably and become wealthy entrepreneurs. 

Her dreams were slightly out of reach now, since her annulment proposal had been rejected by the Crown Prince. If she left right now, Celine would be found immediately or not be able to live in one place for long. She would always face dangers from moving and worry about royals chasing after her. Running away was simply not an option for now. 

"But since we're not actually engaged, should I leave a message and tell them not to look for me? Would I still be punished since I have no official ties with anyone?" Celine wondered aloud. 

"If you run away, I'll follow you."

Celine jumped at the serious voice of a 14 year old boy. She lowered herself into the bath and glared at the Second Prince leaning against the door frame. Zayden had already cleaned himself and wore loose, black garments. His two block haircut that was previously styled into a wave was now messy and covered his forehead in long fringes. His narrow chin was especially sharp from his smirk, although his golden eyes seemed earnest. 

"Get out! I'm taking a bath!" 

He laughed and turned away. "Then hurry up and come out. I've been waiting for too long."

Celine felt slightly flustered when she saw the back of Zayden's ears turn red.

Zayden paused without looking back. "Let's go to the top of the dome tonight." He softly added, "We haven't been there in a while."

"ok. Just wait outside." Through her growing excitement, she decided to ignore the fact that he had invaded her privacy and almost seen the naked body of the Crown Prince's fiance candidate. Celine quickened her pace and finished washing herself. After she finished drying her body, she stepped into a light colored night gown. Celine walked into her chambers and saw Prince Zayden waiting near her workspace, examining the books she was currently reading. 

That's when Celine realized that if someone were to walk in, they'd misunderstand the situation and believe they were sleeping together. 

"In the future, we won't be able to do this again. It might create unnecessary drama and bring us ruin.." She said, walking over to where Zayden was standing. 

"I know." He replied curtly. There was a slight touch of emotion in his words, however, Celine disregarded his pitiful form. 

It's probably because he realized that I'm a grown woman who can't be alone with another male anymore. Sorry bud, we can't play together anymore.

She patted him on the back and beckoned Draco to her balcony.

Soon enough, Zayden and Celine sat at the very top of the dome again. They basked in Red's warmth and observed the night sky. They hadn't stargazed in such a long time that the starry night immediately filled her with wonder and a sense of bliss.

Her eyes sparkled as the scenery continued to amaze her. "My struggles seem to increase day by day, but the night sky remains the same."

Meanwhile, Zayden could only stare at Celine as if this would be his last time seeing her. He was relieved to see Celine's genuine smile. He had expected her to be bitter or upset after encountering the Crown Prince's concubine. Instead, he was met with her optimistic attitude.

They sat in comfortable silence until Celine noticed Zayden's piercing stare from the corner of her eyes. 

He asked, "Are you planning on running away from the Crown Prince?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Will you take me too?"

"If you would like me to." She grinned. "At first, I wanted to leave peacefully, but there were some...complicated matters that I couldn't resolve. Now, I'm not sure if I should wait until the time is right or risk it all and run away."

"Why don't we run away right now?" Zayden whispered quietly, lowering his voice. "I'll take care of you."

"And hide for the rest of our lives? I don't want to live as a vagabond in constant fear. Our features aren't exactly common, you know? I would like to settle down, start a business, and prosper on my own terms. This won't be possible if I run away."

"What if I become the Emperor?" He interrupted her, and Celine froze in surprise.

"Then... I'll be able to leave the palace peacefully, and you'll have to rule this land by yourself." She knew this answer would help prevent Zayden from taking the throne. If she left the Empire, he would be alone. 

He widened his eyes. "But you would be able to live in the palace freely if I'm Emperor."

"No, life would be more complicated and dangerous. I believe Laith is meant to be the next Emperor. I support his future reign and do not want to see a bloody fight for the throne. So please, erase those thoughts." She flashed her eyes with a slight warning, to let him know that she would be angered if he rebelled. 

"I thought you wanted to run away because of my brother and father." Zayden felt confused and upset. He couldn't let go of the topic just yet. 

Celine still supported his older brother over him? He was slightly hurt and wondered what she was truly thinking. 

"Yes, but that isn't the only reason. I have this unexplainable forecast of the near future. You don't need to believe me, but know that I must leave before I am 18. I also don't want to love a man with another woman. The greatest failure as a husband is infidelity. This is why I don't want to be the Crown Prince's fiance. We are also not engaged officially, which I brought up to the Prince Laith while we danced. But for some reason, he refused my proposal. Now, I am afraid I'll have to wait for the opportunity to present itself." She finally leaned against Draco after her long explanation. 

"What opportunity?" He prodded.

When Laith starts to love Zavia with all his heart and terminates our engagement on his own. Then, I'll accept this change in heart without causing any inconveniences and leave.

Celine refused to continue and switched the topic. "So Zayden, if you ever marry a woman, you must never have a mistress on the side. If you do, I will shun you! Marry for love!"

Zayden blushed, then recovered quickly. "I already know..."

"I will continue to remind you. Although you agree now, some people always give into temptations. Look at me! They say I am the most beautiful woman in this Empire but my 'fiance' is meeting another woman. Nobody is safe!" She exclaimed!


With that, they began to discourse on the idea of resisting temptation. They discussed various subjects until they decided to observe the stars again.

Zayden had another question in his head. He couldn't bring himself to ask, for he was afraid to hear her honest answer. Instead, his heart squeezed painfully as he continued to watch this beautiful woman.

Celine, would you have loved my brother if he hadn't returned with another woman? Would you ever consider loving me instead?

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