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Jon's POV

Kissing Emmy was nothing like how I thought it would be, instead, it was ten fucking times better.

"J-Jon  wha-what was that?!" Emmy asks breathlessly.

"I wanted to do that since the day I saw you. But it would've been inappropriate if I did then. Not that it is any appropriate now, but I couldn't control myself. I really really like you Emmy. I can't think straight when I'm around you. You affect me so fucking much and you have no clue about it."
Emmy looked at me with wide eyes. Trying to process each and every word I just said. Well, she is taking her own sweet time to speak.

"Emmy? I would really appreciate it if you said something. Anything."

"I-I don't know."

Fuck this is awkward.

"Uhh.......okay. In that-"

"Jon, you're a really nice guy. I like you a lot as a friend. You were there for me when I needed you the most. But I am really sorry because I don't see you the same way." She tells me with a sad smile.

Well, this sucks. I really thought she had a thing for me too. All my life I had girls falling head over heels for me. I would get them to like me with a snap of my finger. But when I finally like a girl romantically, she ends up seeing me as her 'friend'. Friend my ass.

"It's absolutely fine Emmy. I better get going, I'm running late." I say with a tight lipped smile.


"Jon?" James comes and crouches next to me.

"Not now kid. I'm working."

"I know and you're doing it all wrong." He says chuckling.

"What?" I look at him with frustration. I don't have time for his shit. I've been through some major fucking shit this morning.

"The car is white and the bumper you're fixing into it is red." He says laughing his ass off.

I stop what I'm doing midway to take a proper look at what he's saying and oh my fucking God he is absolutely right. I've been putting a motherfucking red bumper on a white car. I sigh and start taking it out.

"What crawled up your ass and died?"


"As always, I gotta figure this out myself too." James sighs

"James just leave me the fuck alone and get back to work."

"It's the bakery lady isn't it?" He smirks.

"How do you know?" Geez this guy is smarter than I thought.

"Wild guess." He says casually.

"No no how do you know she works in the bakery?"

"Oh Stacy told me that."

"Who the fuck is Stacy?"

"Stacy is the girl I'm seeing right now who works in Sweet Tooth as a waitress. And this is the millionth time I'm telling you Jon! Do you ever listen to a single thing I say which isn't related to work?!" He groans.


He sighs harder. Well look how the tables have turned. The time has come where I annoy James.

"Anyways, coming to the point, she told me you go there daily and place your order to Emma who apparently is Emmy for you. And you look at her as if you're a kid who has been promised a candy." He says laughing.

"How does this Stacy chick know it's me?"

"She has come here a thousand times Jon. Do you ever pay attention to what happens around you?!"

"I do, to the things that's worth my time."

"Ugh will you ever quit being a meanie?"

"Whatever. Hey kid?"


"How did you ask Stacy out?"

"Well I just asked her out for lunch and then we went to the pizzeria down the street, got to know each other and boom! We started dating."

"The fuck? That's all it took? You took her to a lame ass lunch and the next thing you know is you're dating her?" I ask astounded.

"Woah woah hey big man! It wasn't a lame ass lunch FYI. And moreover why do you seem to be so surprised? You're more experienced than me, all this can be done with a snap of your finger by now."


"Ohhh wait! Let me guess, the bakery lady didn't fall for your charms eh? The 'take her out for lunch' trick didn't work huh?" He asks smirking.

I sigh rubbing my hand over my face. I guess it's safe to tell him that she rejected my ass. He'll understand. 

"Yeah something like that. She just sees me as a friend, nothing more but nothing less either."

"So you're all cranky today because she hurt your ego?"

"That and also because I guess I was actually looking forward to it. I thought she could feel the connection too."

"Hey come on now don't be a sad puppy. You'll get an other girl. There's plenty of fish in the sea. If not her then someone else."

"Yeah. I guess." I say, more to myself. Around an or two later, I'm still working in the workshop when my phone suddenly goes off. I check my phone and see that Emma is calling.
As soon as I see her name popping up in the screen, I'm on cloud nine. I feel like life couldn't get any better. My day was crappy, which was mostly because of her, but it got way better, again, because of her.

"Hey Emmy." I say trying not to be too excited.

"Hey Jonny, I was wondering if you would like to grab some lunch today. I think I do owe you one" She says giggling.

"Yes of course. How about I pick you up at 1:30?"

"No no I'll pick you up today. It's my treat." She says shyly.

"Alright I'll text you my location."

"That won't be needed. Stacy told me where you work. Apparently she's seeing a guy who works for you."

Wow unlike me, she's the kind of boss who actually pays attention to the employee's personal crap.

"Ohh alright. I'll see you then. Bye Emmy."

"Bye Jonny."

We hang up and I couldn't be happier. Yes Emma did reject my ass but she stuck to her word of us being friends. And it doesn't matter how much she denies this, but deep down I know she does feel something for me. At least a little.



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