Chapter 28 - Archer's POV

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    Stumbling down the stairs Saturday morning, I only had one goal—seeing Charlotte. It had been so fucking hard to stay away from her last night. All I wanted to do was steal her away and have her to myself. It was torture to be so close but yet have to keep my distance. Even when we were only friends I was allowed to touch her as much as I wanted—but that was when Oliver wasn't around.

    The stench of stale beer stung my nose as I walked into the living room. Sticky red solo cups littered the whole lower-floor of our house. I found Oliver, James, and Tyler in the kitchen all looking dishevelled and tired.

    "This place fucking stinks," I muttered as I walked to the fridge to grab the orange juice.

    "Well good morning to you too princess," James quipped.

    "Which rookie is up for cleaning duty?" Tyler said with a yawn. "Reynolds?"

    "Not Emmett," I said without thinking. "Uhm, give it to Smith. He was being a little bitch at practise the other day."

    James walked over to look in the fridge next to me, then bumped my shoulder. "Look who's already going soft," he smirked under his breath before offering Oliver a drink. I flipped him the bird then went to sit at the island. I really didn't have an argument, Charlotte was making me soft. I'm pretty sure that should bother me, but it didn't.

    "You sticking around, man?" I asked Oliver. He was slumped against the counter, resting his cheek on his fist. His eyes were bloodshot and I could smell the liquor sweating out of his pour.

    "Nah, gonna shower then head home. I've got a T-time at one," he mumbled.

    "Alright, well then I'm heading out boys," I said with a lazy salute and left to my truck.

    Half-an-hour later I walked up to Charlotte's dorm holding two of her fancy coffee things. I got a little nervous as I knocked on the door. Maybe I should have called first? This was all totally new territory for me, and I didn't know the rules.

    "One of those better be for me or you aren't allowed in," Madeline grumbled as she opened the door. I rolled my eyes but passed her one of the cups. She snapped it out of my hands, spinning around to walk back to her room. I caught the door and crept quietly into Charlotte's room.

    I placed her coffee on the desk as I smiled down at the sleeping girl. She was cocooned in her large comforter, with only her face peeking out. Her dark lashes fanned her rosy cheeks, reminding me for the millionth time what an angel she was. Her curls were wild as they flew in every direction on her pillow.

    "Sweetheart," I whispered as I sat on the edge of her bed, "wake up." Charlotte mumbled some gibberish, shaking her head with a little frown. Fuck she's cute. I chuckled as I pressed my lips to the center of her eyebrows, smoothing out the wrinkles.

    "Archer?" She mumbled as her lashes fluttered open. "Hi," she added with a coy smile as her eyes settled on me, "what are you doing here?"

    I rubbed the back of my neck as those damn nerves hit me again. "I was hoping you'd spend the day with me... oh and I brought you coffee."

    She perked up at the mention of coffee, looking around for it. I sighed and got up to grab it off the desk, delivering it back to her in bed. She wiggled excitedly as she grabbed the cup and sucked happily on the straw.

    "So?" I prodded.

    "Hmmm?" Her bright eyes flicked to me confused. "Oh right, yeah sure!"

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