Trying To Tell Him Something

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The trip to the fair was – not as exciting as I thought it would be. No doubt that Joe tried to make it as exciting as he could but, I couldn't enjoy it because Marcus and Kathie didn't show up. When I asked Marcus he said that he'll see and I thought that it was a yes. I waited for hours for him but, he never showed up. I even left messages on his mobile but, I got no answer from him. Also, Maria had a pain in her back Silas was busy with work, even on Sunday – and others had their issues so, it was just Joe and I. I had a family kind of trip in mind.

We rode different rides and it was enjoyable. I felt burden over my shoulder that I was misleading Joe and I tried to talk to him numerous times but, each time something interrupted us. I even tried to talk during dinner but, he hushed me and told me that we will talk about it tomorrow – which is today. Nevertheless, when Joe dropped me to my apartment – I told him that it was the best trip ever. I couldn't say otherwise – he made so many efforts to make the trip the best – it isn't his fault that no one else showed up.

Right now, I was at Marcus's penthouse. When I came here this morning – Marcus was already gone to work. Sadly, I missed him because I wanted to talk to him. Now, I will have to wait for him to come home. I fed Kathie and now she was running around the house when my cell phone rang. I took it out of my jeans pocket to see that it was a call from Joe.

I answered the phone call, "Hey." I said while my eyes were on Kathie – who couldn't stop running around the table.

"I am so screwed, Charlotte – so screwed." He sounded distressed.

My smile slipped off, "Wh-what happened, Joe? Everything okay?" I asked him worriedly.

"No. No, nothing is okay. Your boss is going to kill me." He said anxiously.

I frowned, "Marcus?" I asked. "Why would he kill you?" I added.

"Char, I overslept and I have to be in a meeting with Samson in like – ten minutes and I forgot the client's file at Marcus's office." He said, "This was my first meeting with them and I already screwed up. Marcus is right. I can't do anything right." He added – sounding disheartened.

I bit my lower lip, "That's not true, Joe. Is there any way that I can help?" I asked him.

He sighed, "Yes, can you please go to Marcus's room and grab a file with a label 'Samson Hotels'? It is yellow – I believe." He asked.

I nodded, "Sure. Where is it?" I asked.

"It's in his office, maybe." He said. I could hear the traffic from behind him – he must be driving.

"Okay. I will get it for you." I said.

"Thank you so much, Char Char. You are a lifesaver." He exclaimed causing me to smile, "Also, if Marcus calls and asks if I picked up the file – just say yes. I don't want him to get angrier than he already is." He said.

"Okay, I will do that," I said.

"I will be at Marcus's place in five minutes. If it is possible then please bring the file downstairs in the lobby – only if possible." He emphasized.

I nodded, "Sure, I will. I will call you back when I will find it." I said and cut off the call.

I gave Kathie her toys to play with and hurriedly walked towards Marcus's office. I twisted the knob of the door and found it unlocked. I was about to enter the office while my phone buzzed – indicating that I had a text message. I unlocked my phone to see that it was a text message from Marcus. I opened it to read it.

Marcus Harrison: Miss McGill, can you please go to my office and get a yellow colored file with Samson Hotels written over it and give it to Joseph?

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