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The morning Nova is going to work (Make out scene in this chapter, will warn you.)

It's 4:15 am and I'm sitting outside. I just got back from jumping across rooftops. Now I'm laying in my boyfriends backyard. Adrian had gone back to work last week so I had been here with Max. We tried a whole bunch of stuff. Crafts with raw noddles, chocolate chip cookies, they ended up burning, pranks on mostly Adrian but sometimes we would get Hugh and Simon too. Although Simon would always get us back, Hugh joining in sometimes. Today I would be going back to work. I wasn't sure how I felt about going back but it was fair time to face the music. I mean I had hope that at least I would be forgiven by some, once earned of course. If Hugh Everhart, the man I tried to assassinate can forgive me and let me live in his house, then I have hope others will too. I just laid there, looking up at the stars. I found them so beautiful just before sunrise.

"Nova?" I heard a groggy voice say from behind me. Slowly I sat up looking at Max. "Max!" I said surprised. I had thought it was Adrian. "Why are you up so early?" I asked walking over to him. As I got closer I could see the tear stains on his cheeks. "Max? What's wrong?" I said standing beside him. He wrapped me in a hug. Surprised, I hugged back. "Is everything ok?" I asked him once he let go. He shook his head as I lead him back inside to the kitchen. Setting him down at the table I opened the fridge, grabbing some orange juice. Pouring it into a silver cup I handed it to Max. He spun it in a circle making the juice look like a funnel. Grabbing some coffee and putting it into the coffee maker I pressed brew. I didn't push Max to talk, I waited till he was ready.

"I h-had a nightmare." He said through heavy breathing. I nodded understanding. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked him. His curls were a mess from sleep. He smiled lightly. "Not really, at least not right now but thank you." I smiled back, being patient with Max is something I will never hesitate to do. "Do you wanna go back upstairs? Try and go back to sleep? I'll come with you." Taking the last sip of his juice he nodded, getting up and walking over the square tiles to put his cup in the sink. Following him they both went back upstairs.

Max's room was right beside Hugh's and Simons. When it was made a possibility that Max could live with them they both wanted him close by all the time. Max had gotten off crutches early and was now in a walking cast. He was pretty good with it to. Opening the door to his room they both went inside. Nova helped Max get back into bed and tucked him in, smiling the whole time. "What if the nightmare comes back?" He asked looking fearful. Nova scanned his room not answering right away. Standing and going over to a small box of 10 or 11 stuffed animals she laid them out around his bed. She went back and sat down, looking at Max's little confused face. "When I was really little, my dad would put my stuffy's out around me as protectors, guards. They would scare away the bad dreams." His lip slowly stopped quivering. "Did it work?" She nodded slightly. "Yup, they always kept me safe." He smiled up at her with appreciation in his eyes. "Thanks Nova. Adrian's really lucky to have you." She felt her cheeks flush. "Thanks Max." He grabbed her hand making her look at him. "I know your a good person Nova, everyone else will too." His sweet words almost brought her to tears. She sniffled and stood. "You get a little more sleep before the sun rises." He nodded willingly.

Nova walked out of his room feeling happy. "I know your a good person Nova, everyone else will too." Feeling better about the coming day she went back downstairs. Walking into the kitchen she decided to go to Adrian's room. As she slowly made her way down the stairs she spotted the worn couch. Getting to the bottom she looked over at Adrian, he was snuggled up on the far side of his bed with one arm sprawled across. The blanket was half off revealing his bare chest. She smiled walking over to the couch. She stripped off her sweater to reveal a white undershirt. She had a pair of small shorts on underneath her joggers. Pealing the big pants off she set the extra clothes on the couch. Walking over to the bed she lifted Adrian's arm and slipped under it placing it back on her hips. As soon as she set it down he pulled her up tight to him. "What time is it?" He asked still half asleep. "Early don't worry." She responded.

Supernova: Extended endingWhere stories live. Discover now