#34 I want you to touch me

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Our water had been cut off for the past twenty four hours because nobody paid the bill, this morning I couldn't shower of the filth of my nightmares and I've been carrying that around with me all day. I clawed at my skin trying remove it but it didn't work. His face was there whenever I closed my eyes. His cologne was there whenever I inhaled. His voice was in my head telling me to do these things I didn't want to do.

She was my only saving grace and I refused to speak to her because I didn't want to appear weak. She was exposing too much. But today after school I almost caved as we came eye to eye and her expression was filled with a sadness that I know I caused. I didn't want her to carry hurt around with her and feeling it eating her alive. I know how that feels. But I kept strong because she's better off without me and I'm safer without her.

I rested my forehead against the perspex information desk window, feeling the coolness against my skin and zoning my ears into the familiar sounds of slot machines and tacky tunes. Anything to busy my mind. The doors opened which was unusual because the regulars had been here all day, situated at the same slot machines but when I looked up I was met with a sickening sight.

There she was holding hands with some tall basketball player from our school who was smiling widely thanks to the trophy on his arm. She held a giant teddy bear that I'm guessing he won for her in some cliché way. She had brought him here just to taunt me. I felt my heart jump into my mouth and anger pump through my veins, I wanted to rip his throat out.

She neared the information desk and my mind fleeted between jealousy, rage and hurt. She brought him here just to flaunt him in front of my face. That's a dick move. Her eyes searched mine but I let the ice glaze them over, not giving her the satisfaction of reading my emotions and finding out that she won, she achieved what she came for.

"Can we get six tokens please mate." The basketball player said.

I tore my eyes away from her, gathering six tokens and holding them out through the hole in the perspex. I challenged him with my eyes but I think he was clueless or just stupid. When he reached out to grab the tokens I dropped them before he had the chance to take them. Olivia said nothing but she watched everything with intensely green eyes.

"Come on H." she finally said through the thick air.

I watched them walk towards the dance mat with a deep scowl glued to my face. That's what she wanted, she brought him here so I could see them together. So I sat and watched them the entire time, making her squirm uncomfortably under my scrutinization. I hated seeing them laugh together and dance together like some cute couple on a date. But I hated that I was this affected by them. They finally left after six rounds of dance mat but I didn't feel any better once they were gone.

I opened up the group chat and decided to vent my feelings to my friends.

L: Olivia's just come in the arcade with a date.

Z: Who?

J: That sucks! Didn't think she was the type of girl to wave it in your face.

L: Someone from the basketball team.

Z: Sorry L.

J: Fuck sorrys, go get her back.

L: Nah. I'm done.


"I swear, one day I'm gonna take Helen on a proper date and she won't ever look at another man again" Ben told us as he tucked into his lunch bag and hopelessly gazed across the field at the cheerleaders.

"You're no man" Jordan replied with a mouth full of grapes, everyone laughed except Ben.

"Liam?" An irritated voice came from behind me and I knew exactly who it belonged to. "I need to talk to you." She sounded real mad but to be honest after yesterday, so was I.

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