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We stumble through the forest, Isaac looking down at the map Richie gave us, pulling me alongside him.


We left him. We used Richie as cover, live bait, so we could run off.

Wisps of black dance in my vision, all with demonic faces flying at me. My body shakes against Isaac's as he continues to sprint through the sea of trees.

"Don't let his sacrifice go to waste. He wanted us to live another day, so fight for that Aliza. I need you here with me." Isaac grunts, his voice breaking. My eyes widen as I glance as him.

He's right. Richie believed in our friendship that's why he...

I take a deep breath, putting more strength into my steps as we twist and turn through a maze of wood. A small hut appears as continue to run, covered in dark green moss and We hurry to the front door, throwing it open and slamming it behind us. Isaac locks the door as I crumble to my knees, panting.

Richie might really be dead.

This isn't what I wanted. It's fun killing others but Richie isn't just anybody. He matters to me. He cared about me.

We were friends.

Isaac groans loudly, dropping down next to me, pulling me into his arms as he sits against the wall. His leg lay on either side of me as his head rests in the crook of my neck.

"He's so stupid. I told him to leave me alone. This always happens. I always lose someone." Wetness seeps into my robe as Isaac begins to sob softly.

The pain inside numbs as I hold Isaac closer, pressing myself into his chest.

Richie said to take care of Isaac. Isaac's all I have left.

I'll take care of him. I'll kill off the bastards that hurt you Richie.

Sorrow overwhelms me and yet no tears come to my eyes, as I sit in Isaac's embrace.

I'm excited. I can't wait to personally cut up all of them, especially Mitch. I want to see that guy in pieces at my feet. Literally.

A hidden smirk twitches onto my face as Isaac continues to cry.

"You won't lose me. I promise." I whisper to him, pulling back to look at his tear stained face. He sniffs, his head looking down onto the floor as I sit before him.

"When I was five, my parents tossed me into a fucked up orphanage." He chuckles, glancing up at me for a second. I hold his cheeks in my hands. Our legs entwine as our faces stand inches away from each other.

"They wouldn't feed us after we turned 8 and that was after feeding us trash for three years. It was a hell I learned to prosper in. I never went hurry. I stole from anyone I could and did whatever it took to survive. I loved it." He adds, scoffing as his tears stop. He grabs my hand, smiling up at me as that glint shines through his eyes at me.

That wonderful dangerous look in his eyes.

"The day I killed the bitch who ran the orphanage at 14 was the day I met Richard. They brought me into this hit man group and I couldn't keep up. He was a snob but he taught me half the shit I know now. I owe him so much, I don't think I'd be alive today without the fucker." Isaac laughs bitterly, getting to his feet, holding my hand as he helps me up. He flips up around, pushing my back against the wall as he breathes heavily in front of me.

"I won't let you ever leave me. I can't lose anyone else ever again. Keep your promise, Aliza. You've been everything to me for a while now." His voice shakes. I smirk, tracing his lips with my thumb.

It's just us. We're all we have.

My personal drug addicted to me.

"Richie won't die in vain. It seems he left us some presents." I point behind him at the single queen sized bed in the square of a home. Wooden walls encase us with no connected rooms. No kitchen, no bathroom, just a bed with a bunch of machine guns on it.

Isaac follows my finger, grinning as his eyes find the weapons.

"That guy is really way too careful." He pushes away from me, heading towards the bed. A cheeky smile lights up his face as he looks between me and the guns. He jumps on the bed, laying besides the river of black metal as I grin hard, making my way to the other side of bed, climbing beside him, next to the guns.

"My parents spent my whole life trying to change me. They did everything and I would refuse everything. It was funny when they started avoiding me because of how afraid they were of me. Then you showed up just when it was getting boring." I trail my fingers on the guns, looking up at Isaac as he stares at me.

He saved me. Richie and Isaac saved me.

I've been to heaven and hell with them and yet this is the best I've felt in a long time.

The most alive I've felt in a long time.

"I can say the same thing. I needed a push to get away from that repetitive lifestyle. You bit into me and wouldn't get off my mind. From the day I met you, I had to know you. It feels weird to say it like this but we might not be alive tomorrow, so I want to say whatever I want." His fingers brush through my hair as I scoff.

No one is going to kill us. I won't allow that

We should do what we want to, regardless.

"I don't find it weird." I say as his hand travels from the tips of my hair to my waist, slowly inching down towards my thigh as the flame from yesterday lits, dimly, in the pit of my stomach.

Isaac's smile falls from his face as his stare heats up the room. I don't look away.

His fists wrap around the guns, as he grabs them all, hugging them to his chest as he turns, letting them go on to the ground. The space between us is bare and wide as he faces me once again.

"Aliza, you-" Isaac crosses the distance between us, pressing his lips to mine. Our breath mixes as he holds my waist, his fingertips digging into my side. His mouth draws down my body as he leaves kisses on my neck, stopping at the top of my robe.

"Rip it off." I moan, as he complies, taking the string of my robe off and letting it land on the ground beside us. A cool breeze tickles my stomach as the butterflies inside flutter madly. Isaac kneels over me, staring at my exposed skin.

How long is he just going to look?

"You're so fucking beautiful." He breathes, falling back on top of me. I smile.

He deserves to see this. No one else would live to see another day if they had.

I grab the hem of his jeans, pulling them down as he strips out of them and his shirt.

I can't wait any longer. I might go crazy.

He leans back into me, his lips inches from mine.

"After this, we'll be one. You won't be able to escape me. Forever." He states, his tone low. A lazy smile grows on my lips as I bore into his eyes.

I want him to be all mine, in life and death.

64.7k ~ 8/21/20

Thanks for all the support !!!!!!

Next update in two days


Psycho LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora