The World of Elemorts

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The Galaxy:

— The Galaxy has many different names on various planets, but its official name is the Iris, owing to its shape resembling an eye. However, it is most commonly simply referred to as "the Galaxy."

2 All planets in the Galaxy were one massive celestial body billions of years ago, which broke off into separate chunks. The first chunk to acquire the form of a planet was Ornebule, while the last to be formed was Digitex.

3 In the beginning, only the distance from the Sun and other environmental factors were responsible for the slightly varying planetary climates and landscapes. Each planet's geography helped shape the behavior and lifestyles of primitive mer, who initially only had generic, rudimentary elemental powers. Eventually, the evolution of different mer customs and practices triggered the development of distinct elemental powers.

4 — Over hundreds of years, these full-fledged powers, in turn, exerted an effect that reformed the worlds, completely altered their geology and ecosystems, and resulted in the development of an enertronian core inside each planet. Thus, the planets and their inhabitants continuously and mutually impact each other and ensure the conservation of enertrons of a particular elemental type.

5 — The enertronian core of a planet primarily radiates enertrons of the same type as the majority of its inhabitants' elemental powers. If the planet's population were to be wiped out and replaced with a new one, the enertronian core would gradually shift toward the new elemental type. Over approximately a century, the surface of the planet would once again be reshaped.

6 — The enertronian core is maintained by a delicate balance of absorption and radiation. If it were to be disrupted or overloaded, the entire planet would be destroyed.

7 — The planet closest to the Sun is Riflamia, while the farthest planet is Cryovrost.

8 — A year in the Galaxy has been standardized as 382 days. This is the time taken by Karomoz to complete its orbit around the Sun.

9 — There are twenty-eight planets in the Galaxy recognized as autonomous bodies by the Confederacy of Planets.

10 — Almost all of the moons and most of the larger asteroids in the Galaxy are habitable. Therefore, they appear in hues of blue and green from the surfaces of nearby planets, owing to the presence of water bodies. In the past, many wars have been fought because of territorial disputes over asteroids in particular.

The Elemental System:

1 Mer have a system in their bodies called the elemental system (or ES), complete with its own organs. This system controls the absorption, channeling, and release of enertrons through the body. Its major organ, the core, is located posterior to the heart — it not only acts as a reservoir for excess enertrons but is responsible for redirecting them to the desired body part. The core also triggers signaling pathways that, upon traumatic injuries, convert extravasated blood into enertrons and the stored, excess enertrons into blood.

2 — The elements generated by the different powers are artificial simulations of naturally occurring forces/objects and can be readily distinguished visually.

3 — In the offspring of parents with different elemental powers, either the paternal or maternal genes for enertron manipulation are randomly inactivated before birth. Therefore, mer inherit powers only from one parent.

4 — Each elemental power has two glows — the primary elemental glow, which is the most commonly manifested color, and the secondary elemental glow, which displays when tapping into specific abilities.

5 — The elemental glows are derived from the following eight hues: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, and pink.

6 — No two elemental powers share the same combination of hues.


1 — Although there were numerous indigenous languages spoken on the various planets centuries ago, all of them are extinct now and only studied as an academic interest. The Galaxy inhabitants now converse in the "common" language, more specifically known as the Zen language.

2 — In the distant past, mer from different parts of the galaxy had slightly different appearances. However, due to thousands of years of interbreeding, it is now impossible to determine the origin of a mer based solely on appearance.

3 — It is possible to transplant pluripotent stem cells and the required genes to regenerate lost/absent organs, limbs, etc. Depending on the organ, the process could take from several weeks to a year.

4 All meat consumed in the Galaxy is lab-grown. Animal cells are treated to convert them into pluripotent stem cells, which are then enriched with the essential growth factors to produce meat.

5 — The Galaxy runs entirely on renewable energy sources. Most cars run on either chargeable batteries or hydrogen cells, while aircraft and spacecraft use plasma propulsion engines.

6 — The weapons designed to be compatible with Virtual Backpacks do not require ammunition or power packs. They derive firepower from enertrons, which are supplied by the wielder.

7 — Most couples in the Galaxy choose a new surname after marriage. Children adopt the same surname until they marry.

Did you find these facts interesting? Do you have any questions about other aspects of the World of Elemorts and would like their answers to be included here? Do let me know in the comments!

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