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John stopped in front of what was probably a 2-3 star motel.
Nothing fancy and nothing filthy.

His hand tapped his leg over and over again, he'd play with his lighter but he was afraid they'd confiscated it- taking the him 'being' a child thing seriously.

They walked into the lobby, it wasn't too crowded though.
He was about to activate his less then thought out plan when a hand on his shoulder made him turn around.

The headmaster, Dumbdork or whatever, gave him a patient look.

"You don't have to do this John, we already suspect that your words aren't  all that you say they are."
Guess his nervous ticks showed to their carefully trained eyes....damn

"Let's get you somewhere safe Mr. Constantine, I'm sure we can't work something out." He gave a reassuring smile.

Yeah, work things out.
If all of John's problems worked out, he wouldn't be here right now.

But wouldn't be so bad?
John hadn't...really gone to school...almost all of his studies were self taught and helpings of others around him.
Having ran away from his abusive father when he was actually 15, he never truly relied on others.

But this magic school...Hogwarts...what if he could learn their magic?
It'd certainly help against the darkness rising back on his Earth and other little expeditions along the way.....

....and it's not like he was going anywhere....

"Yeah fine!" John sagged his shoulders, "So where am I staying?"

Albus chuckled lightly, "It's alright for you to uncomfortable around us Mr. Constantine, but I assure you we're here only for your benefit."
He turned towards his relieved colleagues, "Leaky Cauldron perhaps?"

Leaky what?

"That's sounds efficient enough."

Albus nodded, looking down to John again, "Are you alright with that?"

God he hated being treated like an infant, just cause he looked like a kid didn't mean he was incompetent!

John shrugged, crossing his arms(again, careful of his book), "Don't know what this Cauldron place is mate, but if you know it's fine, then it's alright with me."

The headmaster's eyes lit up at the answer and began making his way out the entrance, the other teachers behind him. "Then it's settled. It's a bit dusty here and there, but a trust worthy place I assure you!"

John put his arms back down to follow them went the light above flickered.

He paused, looking up. couldn't be.....could it? Here?

"Mr. Constantine?"

He ignored them, closing his eyes to focus, searching the area for darker energy.


His eyes popped back open, there was a decent source of dark energy here, he searched around the lobby, oblivious to the traded looks of confusion and concern by the teachers.

Higher up he concluded.

He looked down at his book, it'd get in the way.

John turned toward the headmaster, "I need you to hold on to this for a second mate."
Not waiting for an answer he lightly shoved the book into the elder man's hands and ran to stairs, "ILL BE BACK IN A SECOND! JUST NEED TO CHECK SOMETHING IS ALL!"

Snape's eye twitched as they were given a few odd looks bu people around them. "The escape attempt?"

Albus shook his head, "Doubtful Severus, why would he leave after just agreeing and without this?" He motioned to the book in hand.

His eyes narrowed, "That's when I came across him, he got into trouble having that book. Said he won it."

Albus nodded, curious of the book.
Thinking not too much of it, he cracked it to a random page, he blinked at the contents.


"What?" McGonagall showed her own interest peaked, " that Latin?"

"It appears so...I recognize a few words but it feels older...I'd use a translator spell but with where we are..." Albus flipped through the book.

"Do you think Constantine could?"

"Why else would he have a book like that?" Snape snapped, tired of this entire trip. "If he went through the trouble of playing games of some sort over it, then odds are he knows what it contains."

The headmaster snapped the book shut, "Well if that's the case, then we shouldn't intrude-but if one who would feel better knowing what Constantine was doing, than go ahead."

Severus and Minerva shared a look, both privately discussing which unlucky soul would venture out to grab him.
"Fine." She shook her head, heading towards the same staircase John did.

Now which floor did he go to? The

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockWhere stories live. Discover now