CHAPTER 28: It's Complicated!

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Hey guys just to inform you all that this chapter is going to be a long one.

So Enjoy reading!!

We were now on our way to home. I was looking out of the window.

There were so many things going on in my mind.

About Anna and that guy Aiden. I am damn sure that there is something going on between those two.

Then my Cass. It was her first date I hope she was able to manage everything. I really want her to date someone she has never had a boyfriend and Evan is a nice guy.

And the most important one Rose and Blake. I hope he was able to convince her. I really don't want them to break up.

I am so tired right now that I don't even have the strength to walk to my room. Thank God that tomorrow is Saturday. I will be able to rest a bit. Now I have two freakin' days to rest. YASS!

I was thinking about these things when Xander finally broke the silence.

"I hope you enjoyed tonight." I just nodded I was too tired to even utter a single word.

Then the car finally stopped. Why did it had to stop? Now I have to walk back to my room. I got out of the car making my way to the house when I stumbled a bit. GOD these heels. I didn't notice Xander was beside me he held my hand and asked with concern in his eyes "You okay?"

I nodded and was about to take one more step when he picked me up in his arms. I was in no mood to protest. I circled my arms on his neck and rested my head on his chest.

 I circled my arms on his neck and rested my head on his chest

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"You look really tired." He said.

"I want to sleep." I said closing my eyes moving more closer to him. I think I fell asleep when he was taking me to bed. But I remember one thing he told me while placing me on the bed "You are beautiful."

I don't know whether it was a dream or not but it was amazing to hear that from him.


When I woke up in the morning it was 8 am already. I got up from the bed brushed my teeth, took a bath and changed my clothes. I made my way to Xander's room. I knocked but no one opened. After knocking three more times I went inside to see no one in the room. I went downstairs hoping he would be there but I only saw Maria making food in the kitchen.

I went to her "Good Morning."

"Oh dear good morning. Come and have your breakfast."

"Have you seen Xander anywhere? I could not find him." I asked.

"He went to office."

"But today is Saturday right. It must be a holiday."

"It's not a holiday for him dear. But ya Sundays are day off for him. So I guess you'll have him tomorrow all to yourself." I nodded sadly. I felt bad that he went to office without even telling me once. After eating my breakfast I went to my room, took my phone from the nightstand to see 105 messages.

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